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BAKU: Warning Azeri public to attempts to spoil ties with Turkey

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  • BAKU: Warning Azeri public to attempts to spoil ties with Turkey

    ANS TV, Azerbaijan
    Sept 4 2009

    Ministry warns Azeri public to be alert to attempts to spoil ties with Turkey

    [Presenter] Attempts are being made to damage friendly and brotherly
    relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey at a sensitive time when talks
    on the normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia have
    intensified. The public should be vigilant in this regard. This
    warning has been made by the press secretary of the Foreign Ministry,
    Elxan Poluxov, in an interview with ANS.

    Elxan Poluxov said that it was difficult to say at the moment in what
    form the protocols that are being negotiated between Turkey and
    Armenia will be implemented. Therefore, Baku is demonstrating

    [Poluxov] It will take some time before it takes the form of a
    document and is signed. After that period of time, it will be correct
    to comment on the issue depending on what form it is put on the
    [negotiating] table, whether it is put on the table at all, and if
    yes, what issues it comprises, and when that moment arrives and the
    full text is known.

    Armenia is waging an information war against Azerbaijan, that is this
    war is being waged not only on the front-line but also in the
    information field, including the Internet. The publication of such
    reports is undoubtedly aimed at damaging current friendly and
    brotherly relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey.