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BAKU: China supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereig

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  • BAKU: China supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereig

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    Sept 4 2009

    China supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty:

    Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 4 /Trend News, U.Sadikhova/

    China supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty in
    the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, urges the parties to follow the
    relevant resolutions from the UN Security Council and is for a
    peaceful solution to the conflict with the support of the
    international community, said Zhang Yannian, the Chinese Ambassador to

    "China supports Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty in
    the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict [...],as Azerbaijan supports China's
    territorial integrity and sovereignty, does not hold any official
    meetings with Taiwan and recognizes China's common and legitimate
    government," the ambassador said at the Center for Strategic Studies
    in the presence of the Azerbaijani President on Sept. 4.

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian
    armed forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992,
    including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding
    districts. Azerbaijan and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in
    1994. The co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France, and the
    U.S. - are currently holding the peace negotiations.

    The relations between China and Azerbaijan are developing rapidly, the
    ambassador said. The countries support each other in important issues,
    and China provides assistance to Azerbaijan for rapid entry into the
    WTO, he added.

    "There is growing business cooperation between our countries and over
    the past year the trade turnover between the two countries totaled
    $800 million," the diplomat said. "Furthermore, there are 15 large
    Chinese enterprises in Azerbaijan, with a total investment of 500
    million dollars," he said.

    According to the ambassador, currently there is no problem for
    mutually beneficial cooperation.