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Thaw praised in enclave: Armenians in Karabakh welcome move

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  • Thaw praised in enclave: Armenians in Karabakh welcome move

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting IWPR, UK
    Sept 3 2009


    Armenians in Karabakh welcome move on Turkey-Armenia ties.

    By Karine Ohanian in Stepanakert

    Politicians in Nagorny-Karabakh have given a cautious welcome to the
    thaw in Armenian-Turkish relations, especially since the status of
    their own self-declared state was not included in the published

    Ankara and Yerevan announced on the last day of August that, with two
    protocols, they had agreed the terms under which diplomatic relations
    between them could be restored, and the border opened, although the
    precise details of the agreement have not been released.

    `We are closely following Armenian-Turkish relations, or more
    accurately, the true desire of Armenia to create these relations,'
    said Bako Sahakian, president of Nagorny-Karabakh.

    Turkish politicians had previously linked a restoration of ties to a
    resolution of the status of Nagorny-Karabakh, which has declared
    independence but is internationally considered a part of Azerbaijan, a
    close ally of Turkey. Karabakh's Armenian inhabitants have governed
    themselves independently since Baku's troops were driven out in the
    early 1990s, and Sahakian said he was still concerned by Turkey's

    `This cannot inspire much hope for the creation of honest and true
    relations,' he said.

    Other figures believed the thaw could mean Ankara had abandoned its
    insistence on Karabakh being handed back to Baku's control.

    `An important positive element of the protocol is the lack of a direct
    connection between the normalisation of Armenian-Turkish relations and
    the regulation of the Nagorny-Karabakh conflict, and the clear
    separation of these two conflicts,' Masis Mailian, a former candidate
    for the presidency and the current chairman of the Civic Council for
    Foreign Policy and Security, told IWPR.

    `Azerbaijan, as a result of the Armenian-Turkish process, will become
    more compliant in the Karabakh talks process, which will allow a peace
    deal to be reached more quickly.'

    Karabakh's leaders will be closely watching the next six weeks, when
    the protocols will be discussed in the two countries, then submitted
    to the parliaments for approval. The removal of Karabakh from the
    discussions, as well as the lack of a mention of the Armenian genocide
    question has made the documents more likely to be accepted. At least
    half a million Armenians died when they were driven out of their homes
    in Ottoman Turkey in 1915 but Turkey denies it was genocide.

    `It is currently too early to say what this possible Armenia-Turkey
    agreement could give to the Karabakh regulation process; it all
    depends on geopolitical developments. I welcome this thaw, but stress
    that attempts to connect Armenian-Turkish relations with regulating
    Karabakh-Azerbaijan are unacceptable. This cannot be done at the cost
    of Karabakh or the genocide,' said David Babaian, head of the
    president's information service.

    Karine Ohanian is a freelance journalist and a member of IWPR's
    EU-funded Cross Caucasus Journalism Network.
    The terminology used in this report was chosen by the editors.