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President's statement at annual gathering of MFA senior exec staff

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  • President's statement at annual gathering of MFA senior exec staff, Armenia
    Sept 6 2009

    Statement of President Sargsyan at the annual gathering of the MFA
    senior executive staff and Heads of the Armenian Embassies and
    Consulates abroad

    Dear Colleagues,
    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    This is one of our traditional meetings which take place in the
    framework of the annual ambassadorial gathering. These gatherings
    provide a good opportunity to evaluate the ongoing developments in
    your host countries and international organizations and look together
    for the answers for the emerging challenges and issues.

    You represent the highest level of political planning in the area of
    foreign relations and these gatherings are also expected to produce
    practical proposals and programs regarding our future activities.

    My present statement consists of two major parts: First, we will talk
    about the main directions of the Armenian foreign policy and current
    developments, and in the second part we will deal with the activities
    of the Embassies and the work ahead.

    At the outset, I would like to make a note regarding our country's
    standing on the international arena and I would like to invite special
    attention to this issue. Today, Armenia appears to the world as a
    stable, predictable, and reliable partner, the positions of which are
    comprehended and appreciated. Major international players and centers
    respect our country, a country which has proved its reliability on the
    regional, bilateral and international levels. As a result, all we have
    been advocating since regaining independence reverberates today in
    international quarters and with regard to our country and essential
    regional issues the international community maintains positions which
    overall concur with our views.

    A number of important developments have taken place since our last

    I would like to make a special reference to the multifaceted and wide
    ranging relations with our strategic partner, Russia. We will continue
    to undertake all necessary steps to further deepen and strengthen our
    relations in all areas. We have already had many meetings on the
    presidential level, including reciprocal state visits.

    I have already started a series of visits to the regions of the
    Russian Federation, particularly, to those with a sizeable Armenian
    population. I am confident that there is a great potential in working
    with the Russian regions for fostering Armenian-Russian economic
    relations as well as for inspiring our compatriots and strengthening
    their ties with Armenia.

    At the first signs of economic crisis we received a 0mln loan from the
    Russian Federation, which was used to mitigate the impact of the

    Substantial progress was registered during Armenia's presidency at the
    Collective Security Treaty Organization, when fundamental decisions on
    the Organization's enhanced efficiency were developed and
    adopted. First and foremost, I mean the decisions related to the
    establishment of rapid response forces. Initial military exercises
    will take place shortly, or to be precise, their first phase has
    already begun. We consider it to be an important element in upgrading
    Armenia's security level.

    I want to mention with satisfaction that our friendly relations with
    the United States expand day by day, dynamics of which underwent
    changes after the elections in the US and with the accession of the
    new administration. There is a mutual desire and will to further
    develop these relations. We maintain direct contacts with the White
    House and the State Department. There are numerous programs in the
    areas of democracy strengthening, security, and expansion of economic

    The Armenian American community is a natural link bridging our two
    countries. Through their efforts Armenia has many friends in the US
    Congress. Levels of assistance to Armenia have been maintained for

    Our experience of recent months, related to the normalization of the
    Armenian-Turkish relations, has also become a distinct factor within
    the Armenia-US relations. There are some critics, who claim that our
    initiatives directed at the normalization of the Armenian-Turkish
    relations barred the President of the United States from using word
    Genocide in his April 24 statement. I have already said this and would
    like to repeat that I am confident that our actions in no way hindered
    the United States and one needs just to look into the American sources
    to give a right assessment to the ongoing process, and I am confident
    that sooner or later that assessment will be given.

    We will continue to deepen our vigorous cooperation with Europe both
    bilaterally as well as in the framework of European structures. We
    have recorded two momentous developments in our relations with the
    European Union. First, the Easter Neighborhood program has been
    launched. Second, by the invitation of the Armenian side a group of
    European experts arrived to Armenia and started to work. We believe
    that this format of cooperation with the European Union is one of the
    best means to continue the process of reforms in Armenia.

    The Eastern Partnership provides endless opportunities to use the
    European potential. We need to get the best of European experiences
    and expert assistance. We must be persistent and proactive seeking and
    using all the opportunities provided in Brussels as well as in the
    European capitals. We should also insist on receiving from the
    European Union and the European countries adequate assistance and
    support envisaged for partner countries.

    Armenia has been provided with the opportunity to make use of the
    general system of preferences and that opportunity must be utilized
    expediently. We should be more aggressive in promoting Armenian goods
    in the European markets and work diligently to sign the free trade
    agreement. We must solve promptly all the internal problems which will
    get us closer to gaining an eased visa regime with the EU. For quite
    some time we have been unable to register concrete results in
    establishing a general center for the EU entry visas. We haven't
    received any objection with this regard from the European structures,
    but we do not take steps that would bring us closer to solving that
    problem. Armenia and Europe are linked by the similar system of
    values. To make that similarity generate new results it is necessary
    for our societies and individuals to interact more actively.

    Our relations with NATO are progressing; results of Armenia's
    Individual Partnership Action Plan are encouraging as are the results
    and level of Armenia's participation in the international peacekeeping

    We will continue efficient cooperation with our neighbors - Iran and
    Georgia. Further development of good-neighborly relations with these
    countries is of crucial importance for the Armenian foreign policy.

    Together with the Islamic Republic of Iran we launched the
    Iran-Armenia gas pipeline, while during my official visit to Tehran we
    reached understanding regarding the implementation of a number of new
    infrastructure projects. With our colleagues from the Asian
    Development Bank we have started the North-South highway construction
    project which will undoubtedly become a strong impetus not only for
    Armenia-Iran but a number of new regional initiatives.

    With Georgia too we continue our political dialogue on the highest
    level. We exchanged visits on the Presidential level. At this very
    moment intensive works are underway on Gyumri-Akhaltskha-Bavra-Batum
    road, the conclusion of which will allow to facilitate shipping from
    Armenia to the Black See and in the opposite direction.

    We should do our best to provide possible assistance to the Armenian
    community of Georgia. Logic of our policy toward Javakhk should rest
    on `integration without assimilation' premise. In this case,
    integration should presume strengthening of the Armenians in Georgia
    as dignified, able and respected citizens of that country. I believe
    that recognition of the Armenian as a regional language, registration
    of the Armenian Apostolic Church, steps to protect Armenian monuments
    in Georgia will only strengthen Armenian-Georgian friendship and
    enhance the atmosphere of mutual trust. On all these issues we should
    be considerate but also persistent and principled.

    Invigoration of our relations with the Arab world remains an important
    issue on the agenda of the Armenian foreign policy. Dynamic
    development of these relations in the first years of independence was
    followed by a stalemate which is to be overcome and steps on that
    direction have already been taken.

    We have been maintaining close relations with China and India, which
    hold a special place in Armenia's policy toward the Asian region.

    I stressed it during our last meeting and I would like to underscore
    it now: it is necessary to further develop relations with our
    traditional partners as well with the countries relations with which
    are not yet at the adequate level. It goes for the countries of the
    South-East Asia, Australia, and the Latin American countries.

    Now, I would like to talk about two pivotal issues of our foreign
    policy: Nagorno Karabakh peace process and our initiative for the
    normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations. ***

    About the NK peace process:

    Our negotiations with Azerbaijan with the mediation of the OSCE Minsk
    Group are being conducted in a rather visible and comprehensible
    format. As you know, with the President of Azerbaijan we have already
    met six times. The Maindorf Declaration was signed in November, 2008,
    there was a joint statement of the Heads of the MG Co-chair countries,
    and the Co-Chairs have presented the general outline of the Madrid
    principles. I am sure there is nothing new for you in these
    publications, but the public at large saw all these principles brought
    together and heard from official sources for the first time. I attach
    great importance to the fact that there is not a single point in those
    documents on which we failed to inform the public on our viewpoints
    and approaches. Publication of these documents proved that we never
    lied and never tried to mislead our own people on the issues that were

    Obviously, there are some provisions in the documents that differ,
    sometimes considerably, from our desired ideal settlement. It is also
    obvious however that all the players realize that the right of people
    of Nagorno Karabakh for self-determination and issues of comprehensive
    security guarantees for Nagorno Karabakh are the cornerstones of these

    I do understand the roots of anxiety in some circles in Armenia and
    Artsakh. The NK issue is a sacred issue and thousands of our fellow
    citizens put their lives on the altar of the cause, for which we have
    been enduring hardships, but it is also one of the most glorious pages
    of our history. There is no doubt in my mind that any Armenian leader,
    who has been involved in the resolution of the NK conflict, realizes
    the enormous responsibility before our people, our history and our
    future generations.

    Any other point of view is either the result of ignorance or petty
    profiteering. In case of Artsakh petty profiteering is unacceptable.

    It is important that you explain everyone, and first of all the
    officials in your host countries, that the NK settlement is not an
    issue of days, weeks, or even months. Everyone must understand clearly
    that currently we are negotiating over only some of the basic
    principles for settlement. Even if the agreement is reached on these,
    that are still many other principles to be negotiated, and after that
    ` the agreement itself, which will regulate the details for
    implementation. That process requires huge work.

    At this stage our priority will be to ensure security of Nagorno
    Karabakh during the negotiation period and to achieve a proper
    understanding of the issue on behalf of the international
    community. In this struggle the Armenian people have been the ones
    fighting for survival and freedom and no one has any right to call the
    people of Artsakh, who defended their right to live with blood,
    `aggressor'. Our response to that must be forceful, confident, and
    compelling. This is particularly important for our Ambassadors
    accredited to the countries-members of the Islamic Conference. We
    should redouble our efforts for neutralizing negative impact of the
    resolutions either adopted by that organization or future ones.

    On the Armenian-Turkish relations:

    As you already know, a joint statement on the process of normalizing
    Armenian-Turkish relations was released yesterday. The documents,
    which fully reflect the agreements made so far, have also been
    publicized: Protocol on the establishment of diplomatic relations
    between the two countries and Protocol on the development of bilateral

    At the meeting with you last year I set out the objectives that I
    pursued by inviting the President of Turkey to Armenia. Armenia
    approximated the possibility of normalizing Armenian-Turkish
    relations. The awareness and commitment of the international community
    has been increased.

    I have sought to normalize relations with our neighboring country with
    dignity as it is appropriate to the civilized world of the 21st

    I think that these protocols open up that opportunity. The drafts made
    public yesterday reflect three vital realities:

    1.As I have repeatedly stated, the talks conducted with Turkey and the
    agreements attained do not contain any precondition related to the
    peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict or any other
    issue related to that.

    2.As we have stressed, the issues on the historical dimension will be
    discussed not within the committee of historians but rather within one
    of the sub-commissions of the intergovernmental commission.

    3.For the first time in the history of independent Armenia public
    debates will precede the signing of the most important international
    documents. The debates will enable to listen to all the views and

    On this issue I anticipate your active participation. You should lead
    an active part during the public discussions in Armenia as well as in
    Diaspora. You should explain the provisions of the pre-signed
    Protocols in detail, both their positive and, why not, also
    controversial elements.

    I also anticipate that shortly we will be having vigorous discussions
    in the Armenian communities abroad and international research
    centers. With this regard you should also provide necessary venues for
    the meetings and presentations of the speakers from Armenia.

    Dear Colleagues,

    Area of foreign relations is one of the crucial elements of our
    national security. You are entrusted with the important and
    responsible mission. The diplomatic missions of Armenia are our first
    points of entry and foreigners get their first impression by stepping
    over that threshold and meeting with you. It means that positive
    impression of Armenia depends on your professionalism, attitude and

    Since becoming the President of Armenia I have appointed more than ten
    Ambassadors. Only two of them were political nominees, who never
    before were employed in diplomatic service. It means that I want to
    view diplomatic work as a professional activity, the cornerstones of
    which are your professional qualities and dedication to Armenia, not
    to a person. But that approach of mine requires reciprocal

    It is great honor to be called Armenian diplomat. One must be
    deserving of that honor every day and every minute and that honor must
    be carried with the greatest responsibility. I wish you success and I
    wish this annual gathering productive work.

    Thank you.