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BAKU: A Plan To Destroy Azerbaijan With The Help Of The Armenian Fun

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  • BAKU: A Plan To Destroy Azerbaijan With The Help Of The Armenian Fun

    Etibar Seyidaga

    Yeni Musavat
    Sept 2 2009

    Sensational statement by an Azerbaijani expert

    Natiq Miri: Reports about the national army are sent to the Euro-Asian
    Cooperation Centre in Yerevan on daily basis'

    Reports show that some NGOs and media outlets in Azerbaijan are
    funded by pro-Armenian centres. The media have already carried some
    analysis and explanations to this end. A statement by Akif Nagi, the
    chairman of the Karabakh Liberation Organization, about receiving a
    cooperation proposal from the Armenian sources shows how serious the
    problem stands.

    As you see, the issue has reached a point when organizations with
    radical positions on Karabakh are proposed cooperation in exchange
    for funds. Moreover, the proposal comes from Yerevan. The Azerbaijani
    Centre for National Strategic Researches has published several research
    papers on plans of pro-Armenian centres against Azerbaijan, proving
    the urgency of the danger.

    In an interview with Yeni Musavat, the chairman of the centre, Natiq
    Miri, said that the process of strengthening ties with a number of
    NGOs, persons in Azerbaijan by Armenian and pro-Armenian financial
    sources is connected with Armenia's difficulties in foreign policy
    issues, the diplomatic failure in the Nagornyy Karabakh problem and
    destruction of the statehood as a result of fiascos in the domestic

    The logical outcome is that attacks against Azerbaijan, which is
    becoming stronger than Armenia, are launched from various sources
    in order to create obstacles to it. "Amongst them, ideological
    and information sabotage is one of the priorities. For example, a
    campaign against the army in Azerbaijan has been stepped up recently
    and there are NGOs and mass media outlets especially contributing
    to this campaign. Under the guise of criticizing shortcomings in the
    army, similar sources are actually engaged in discrediting the armed
    forces in the public eye, worsening moral and psychological situation
    there, insulting patriotic feelings of the troops and other similar
    disgusting activities. Investigations show that some foreign-funded
    centres work in a coordinated form with entities in the South Caucasus
    with central offices in Yerevan. Funding for projects planned to put
    into life in Azerbaijan comes from Yerevan.

    Remarks to this end by the chairman of the Karabakh Liberation
    Organization in an interview with Hurriyyat newspaper prove our
    opinion. The fact that the head of the biggest grant mafia in the
    Caucasus, [name omitted], called Akif Nagi to propose cooperation
    in joint projects, shows this problem remains topical. Naturally,
    although Akif bay [mode of address] turned down this proposal, there
    are reports that several NGOs and media outlets are collaborating with
    [name omitted]. In this connection, Akif Nagi named [names omitted]
    among them. However, the issue is not limited to them.

    Recalling that the Azerbaijani media carry reports alleging that grants
    have been allocated for the resolution of problems like raising public
    control over the army as well as of the civil society, our interviewee
    said that actually, the grant is allocated to raise problems in the
    army to the level of national calamity: "Specifically, at the expense
    of those projects, information about the Azerbaijani army is sent
    to the Euro-Asian Cooperation Centre in Yerevan on daily basis. The
    chairman of the centre is [name omitted]. I can also give her telephone
    number [number omitted]. There are also specific websites to this end.

    Pro-Armenian centres mainly fund projects on researches into possible
    tendencies towards ethnic separatism by minorities; public control
    over the army; application of technologies to obtain military secrets
    under the guise of transparency; societal immorality, expansion of the
    network of various religious sects, Azerbaijan's cultural expansion
    by Armenians and others.

    Just imagine a total of 44,000 dollars have been recently allocated
    for a project called "Benefits of encouraging prostitution for
    NGOs". This project will be implemented in Azerbaijan. This is a
    drop in the ocean. As you see, similar harmful projects threatening
    our security are implemented by some of our citizens. Those who are
    actively involved in these projects are presented to the public as a
    "civilized man", an "expert", a "pundit" and so on.