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BAKU: Yerevan-Based 'Novoye Vremya' Newspaper Could Not Accomplish A

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  • BAKU: Yerevan-Based 'Novoye Vremya' Newspaper Could Not Accomplish A


    Today.Az 09.html
    sept 8 2009

    "Discussions and statements by public members in Azerbaijani press
    would not go unheeded by the Armenian side," member of Azerbaijan's
    Milli Majlis (parliament) Aydin Mirzazade said.

    "Soccer match between Turkey and Armenia to take place on Oct. 14 is
    of interest not only in these countries, but also in Azerbaijan, which
    supports football team of Turkey and wishes it success. There are a
    lot of football fans in Azerbaijan and we are happy that brotherly
    country has one of the strongest football teams in the world. Last
    year, the national soccer team of Turkey won hosts in Yerevan. We
    expect the same result this year, too," Mirzazade said.

    "A year ago, the Turkish side reacted to it as a purely sporting
    event. Even President of Turkey Abdullah Gul, without preconditions,
    visited Yerevan to support country's national team," he added.

    "But, unlike Turkey, Armenia adds a political dimension to this purely
    sporting event and all the time links it at different levels with
    the opening of Turkish-Armenian border and the Turkish concessions
    on the issue of so-called imaginary 'Armenian genocide'," he said .

    "Naturally, both Turkey and Azerbaijan give a fitting rebuff to the
    biased and hysterical statements by Yerevan. We are doing this because
    of strategic alliance and brotherhood with Turkey," the MP said.

    "It should be noted that the discussions and statements in press by
    some public members of Azerbaijan will not go without attention of
    Armenia. They are closely watching our statements and comment based
    on their goals and outlook," Mirzazade said.

    He said the so-called 'independent' Armenian newspaper 'Novoye
    Vremya' is distinguished exactly by this: "Although the newspaper
    is considered to be "independent", the spirit of materials show that
    it is an ideological and political voice of the current authorities
    in Yerevan. Whether they like it or not, but in their materials they
    are trying every way to stage propaganda."

    "Question of the football match between Armenia and Turkey has
    repeatedly been raised on the pages of this newspaper. On Sept. 1 this
    year the newspaper gave a special response to the media statements
    made by Azerbaijan public on this issue. The newspaper, commenting on
    the Azerbaijani press materials, put a special emphasis on a statement
    by known Azeri political expert Vafa Guluzade, Turkish Ambassador to
    Azerbaijan Hulusi Kilic and my person," he said.

    Mirzazade said although the paper calls its material "Football
    without Borders", in its statements it puts football in specific
    borders: "One feels that the newspaper in this material has a specific
    assignment. The publication recognizes that Abdullah Gul in Sept. last
    year went to Yerevan to watch football match, but Sargsyan said that he
    would go to Turkey for the return match under certain conditions. That
    is, it is clear that not only the head of the Armenian state, but the
    newspaper politicize this event and wants to get political benefits
    from it as much as possible."

    "That is, unlike Gul, Sargsyan makes conditions for a visit to
    Turkey. This is the first case in the world when a president of a
    state, in order to watch match of their national soccer team, makes
    unacceptable conditions for the neighboring state. Apparently this
    precedent will once get into books on political science and will
    be studied as one of the most illogical actions by politicians,"
    Mirzazade said.

    "'Novoye Vremya' newspaper is puzzled and takes a hostile reception
    that the Azerbaijani press has raised this issue. However, the
    Azerbaijani side wants Turkey to be committed to its obligations to
    not opening the Turkish-Armenian border without resolution of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This is natural since Turkey has undertaken
    obligations as a strategic ally and a country close to Azerbaijan,"
    he added.

    "In numerous statements by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip
    Erdogan, Ankara has clearly expressed its position which stipulates
    that reopening borders with Armenia will not take place without
    achieving a progress in resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict."

    "'Novoye Vremya' does not want to hear these statements and does not
    inform its audience that the Armenian troops for already 18 years
    have stay in the occupied lands of Azerbaijan," he noted.

    "A reader without knowledge of this matter and history may ask
    what is the reason for the closure of borders by Turkey and what
    is the the reason for the strategic alliance between Turkey and
    Azerbaijan? There is only one reason - Turkey and Azerbaijan are
    one nation - two countries and a brother can not stand aside when
    the other brother has troubles. In this regard, Turkey sets a good
    example for other countries," Mirzazade said.

    The MP said the newspaper also wondered why the Turkish ambassador to
    Azerbaijan made a statement on this issue and defended the interests
    of his country. "He has been appointed ambassador to defend his
    country's interests abroad and to explain position of his countries'
    leaders to public. In this respect, ambassador plays a big role."

    "As to my statement and that of Guluzade, 'Novoye Vremya' confuses
    different issues. Extracting some of our phrases out of context, the
    paper does not cite our other arguments. For example, "The opening
    of border is necessary for Armenia as air. Armenia also needs opening
    of border with Azerbaijan."

    "But the Armenian side is well aware they will not see opening
    of borders with these countries until there is no progress in the
    Nagorno-Karabakh resolution. Therefore, the position of the Armenian
    side in this issue may be repeatedly changed and can be unexpected,"
    he added.

    "However, the paper acknowledges that namely Armenian leadership
    initiated football diplomacy and there are no tangible results from
    that diplomacy and they are not foreseen," Mirzazade said.

    He said the question immediately arises as to who is to be blamed for
    the absence of results? It is high for Armenia to have a look at its
    actions and have a little more critical consideration to its policy,
    isn't it?

    "Maybe there are no results for the simple reason that the Armenian
    leadership can not lead a normal standard policies with neighbors and
    observe simple principles of diplomacy. That is, to respect territorial
    integrity of neighboring states, have no claim to other countries,
    to entrust question of history to historians, but not to behave as a
    scientific board in this or that issue and not to make politics out of
    sport, in this case from soccer. The fact that the current Armenian
    leadership has made no progress either in domestic or foreign policy
    is a fault of neither Turkish nor Azerbaijani side," the MP said.

    "Unfortunately, the materials of the newspaper under name of 'Novoye
    Vremya' does not correspond to its name. Maybe it's from the fact
    that people who have given such a good name to the newspaper have old
    ideas about politics and good neighborliness and by doing so they do
    not want to change and be the bearers of the new trend of time. But
    this, as they say, it not our problem," the MP said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress