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Dashnaks Not Seeking Sarkisian's Resignation

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  • Dashnaks Not Seeking Sarkisian's Resignation

    Ruzanna Stepanian
    Sept 8 2009

    Armenia -- Hrant Markarian, a leader of the Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation party, at a news conference on September 8, 2009.

    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (Dashnaktsutyun) is not
    demanding President Serzh Sarkisian's resignation yet despite its
    strong condemnation of his conciliatory policy toward Turkey, a leader
    of the influential nationalist party reiterated on Tuesday.

    Dashnaktsutyun, which walked out of Sarkisian's coalition government
    in April, stepped up its criticism of that policy following last
    week's publication of draft agreements on the normalization of
    Turkish-Armenian relations. Its leadership is particularly furious
    with Yerevan's recognition of Armenia's existing border with Turkey
    and acceptance of a Turkish proposal to conduct a joint study of the
    mass killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.

    Hrant Markarian, the de facto head of the opposition party's
    governing Bureau, went as far as to accuse Sarkisian of "splitting
    the nation" and liken him to former President Levon Ter-Petrosian,
    Dashnaktsutyun's longtime foe. "I'm afraid Serzh Sarkisian is doing
    what Levon Ter-Petrosian would have liked to do," he said.

    Dashnaktsutyun was bitterly opposed to Ter-Petrosian and sought to
    unseat him throughout his 1991-1998 presidency. Ter-Petrosian's softer
    line on Turkey and in particular his refusal to bring up the Armenian
    genocide issue in his dealings with Ankara was a key reason for that.

    Markarian made clear that his party, which is particularly influential
    in Armenian communities abroad, has no intention to campaign for
    Sarkisian's resignation and would content itself with the dismissal
    of Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian at this stage.

    "Surely, by demanding the foreign minister's resignation we are
    showing our attitude to the president," he told a news conference. "But
    demanding the president's resignation is a totally different matter. Of
    course, it's not ruled out, it's not taboo.

    "We may arrive at such a conclusion one day. But we have not arrived
    at such a conclusion yet."

    In a further sign that Dashnaktsutyun has not burned all bridges with
    the Armenian government, Markarian added that he and other party
    leaders will request a meeting with Sarkisian after he returns to
    Armenia from a visit to Croatia later this week. He warned at the
    same time that the Sarkisian administration will "commit a suicide"
    if it fails to heed the opposition concerns about the ongoing
    Turkish-Armenian rapprochement.