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Three Forces Aimed To Shuffling Azerbaijan

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  • Three Forces Aimed To Shuffling Azerbaijan


    Sept 8 2009

    Three power centers' monstrous plan to shuffle Azerbaijan seems to
    become reality.

    This conclusion is based on running events in Azerbaijan associated
    with disturbing a society "bomb calls".

    "Every week at least once a day the residents of Baku again and again
    have to experience fear and anxiety. After each call the police declare
    alarm, encircle and check the appropriate territory paralyzing activity
    in the city. Then it turns out that this is another false call and
    a new criminal case is excited," Azerbaijani agency of information
    and analysis, "Polygon" reports.

    According to the edition, it turns out that in some cases these calls
    are teenagers' jokes and attempts to prank.

    But the law is the law and each case must be investigated that costs
    the state a pretty penny.

    However "bomb calls" have acquired a total character and can't be
    taken as an ordinary event any more.

    In fact Azerbaijan is the country that suffers from terrorism. In
    addition, regular "bomb calls" complicate the already severed
    psychological state of society. On the other hand these calls can
    be a real warning. Thus mass psychosis in society is quite evident,"
    the author of article notes.

    The agency noticed, the existence of forces interested in terror and
    capable of that was not a secret.

    Actually the confirmation of the ability to conduct terrorist acts
    of groups of Wahhabi and radical Shiites is already obtained.

    The only last year there were two notorious cases conducted. One of
    them is under trial.

    Actual confirmation of the ability to conduct terrorist acts, are
    already available for groups of Wahhabi and radical Shiites. In one
    only last year, law enforcement agencies have been prosecuted on two
    notorious cases. One of them is currently under trial.

    "The second one, known as "SE~Yidin DE~YstE~Ysi" (Saeed's group)
    is well-introduced to society. Last year's explosions in "Abu Behr"
    mosque and terrorist attacks on a number of other objects turn out
    that "bomb call" can every moment come true. That is why the phone
    terrorism is seriously perceived. Sure, if not this any random call
    can turn into nightmare," "Polygon" marked.

    The author asks what, which factors are behind all these calls. Why
    these calls suddenly became so widespread and universal?

    "To speak the truth it's quite difficult to answer these questions
    clearly. For no one call confirmed. If only once a threat turned
    into a reality, it would be much easier to engage in a substantive

    Meanwhile we have to think of forces that stay behind phone
    threats. The primary assumption is the fact of presence of forces
    interested in increasing tension in society, in maintaining the
    public's sense of fear and anxiety as well as in presentation of
    their own opportunities," Azerbaijani agency says. "It is important
    that those forces exist and show their threatening role, they check
    society and state vigilance by "bomb calls", too. After the tactic
    of false calls, exhausting and eroding society, any moment can give
    start to monstrous plans of real terror.

    Experts are working on this problem. On their opinion terrorist
    organizations often resort to such methods to probe the level of
    mobility and maneuverability of the authorities and society.

    Specialists believe that the practice already tested in the Middle
    East now appeares in Azerbaijan. Trends suggest results of telephone
    attacks. It is not clear just when and where all these will happen."

    "What should we do to prevent the realization of threats? Note
    this question has nothing to do with methods of combating terrorism
    and is associated first of all with intentional phone threats and
    participation of children and minors. MIA's experts call to take urgent
    action and involve parents into conduct of preventive measures. Formal
    structures argue they see no other way."

    "We have already marked there were threatening forces in Azerbaijan. So
    who are they? The primary and main source of threat is Armenia,
    who keeps under its control our territories for years and it tries
    to hold terrorist attacks in Baku as opportunity offers. The act of
    terrorism happened in 1994 in Baku tube confirms that Armenia is not
    going to give up its black intentions."

    The second source Wahhabis are, who, according to the author, are the
    actual and real threat. The explosions in "Abu Behr" mosque confirmed
    clearly it was impossible to look at this religious movement "through
    fingers" and they are actually potential terrorists.

    Our society is well aware of the bloody events committed by Wahhabis
    in Chechnya and Palestine as well as of financing and patronage
    of these forces from the radical religious structures of a number
    of Arab countries. Now these well-known scenarios are planned in
    Azerbaijan. Therefore official Baku should take some measures aimed
    at preventing the implementation of the threats, considering that
    U.S. itself, one of the superpowers, became the victim terrorist

    The third force, according to analyst, is radical Shiite militias,
    supported and financed by Iran. The head of these forces is
    Hezbollah, which has already proved it has got solid base of support
    in Azerbaijan. "Saeed's group" itself clearly demonstrated that Iran
    still keeps Azerbaijan to be shot and doe not shy even of acts of
    terror," it is posted on website "Polygon".

    According to the author, each of these named three centers is
    autonomous and seem to have no need for their alliance. However,
    connection between Hezbollah and Armenia has high probability seeing
    close relations of Armenia to Iran and to Iran's secret services.

    As for Wahhabis and Armenia ties, they seem possible just because
    of the similarity of their interests. After all, the main mission
    of Wahhabi is to shake Azerbaijan and, if successful, create a
    caliphate, and to achieve this goal they are ready to cooperate even
    with the devil.

    Thus, if we analyse the problems from these positions it turns out that
    phone threats are the part of program to keep Azerbaijan's society in
    fear, anxiety and panic which at any time can come true. In short,
    Azerbaijan enters a new and dangerous period of new threats ant in
    order to get out of them, minimizing losses, not only efforts of the
    authorities are needed but effort of Azerbaijanis as well."