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Unveiling of Bust and Plaque of Sir Catchick Paul Chater

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  • Unveiling of Bust and Plaque of Sir Catchick Paul Chater

    2nd September 2009

    Liz Chater: Researching Armenian Family History in India and the far
    east from 1700 to Present Day

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    Hampshire SO40 8UQ
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    Liz Chater Helps to Unveil new Bust and Wall Plaque of Sir Catchick
    Paul Chater in Hong Kong

    Liz Chater, an enthusiastic and dedicated researcher of Armenians in India
    and the Far East attended the unveiling of a bust and wall plaque of Sir
    Catchick Paul Chater in Hong Kong on the 1st September 2009. Liz was
    invited by the directors of Hongkong Land to unveil these unique tributes
    as part of their 120 years celebration. The bust and plaque were
    commissioned by Hongkong Land because they felt that such a tribute and
    acknowledgement to Sir Paul who co-founded the company in 1899 was
    something that until now had been overlooked. Created by the renowned
    famous sculptor, Mr Chu Tat Shing, Mr Chu has completed many sculptural
    works including Dr. Sun Yat-sen statue at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum and
    the Anti-SARS Heroes statues. His works are well recognised by the public
    and the Hong Kong Government and he was awarded the "Medal of Honour" in

    The sculptures will be permanently displayed in Chater House, on Chater Road
    to enable visitors to learn about this remarkable man.

    The ceremony was followed by the opening of the Time and Evolution
    exhibition of Central at the Rotunda, Exchange Square, where Liz was
    again asked to help open this retrospective view of Hong Kong.

    It is widely considered that Sir Paul Chater was the man that firmly placed
    the footprint of Hong Kong down allowing it to become one of the leading
    economies of the world today. He was a great man of industry with an
    amiable disposition. His vision for Hong Kong in the late 1890's and early
    1900's was breathtaking, exciting and vibrant. He built with flare and
    architectural elegance; formed and developed companies with longevity in
    mind. It is no shy fact that his hard work and devotion to the colony's
    commerce earned him wealth beyond his imagination but that wealth also
    brought responsibility. He erected St. Andrew's Church in Kowloon entirely
    out of his own personal income, a few years later he erected the Chaplain's
    house and later on the Church hall. He gave generously to the Union Church
    in Hong Kong, even though he did not attend, and there were an extraordinary
    amount of charitable donations made by him during his lifetime that were
    never made public. He was an Armenian from Calcutta with an impressive
    family pedigree of extremely outstanding pious and dutiful Armenians in
    India. Paul Chater upon his passing, left generous bequests to some family
    members and nephews and the remainder of his considerable personal wealth
    was left entirely to the Armenian Holy Church of Nazareth, Kolkata, whose
    own strong and substantial financial buoyancy today is because of Sir Paul
    Chater's exemplary generous legacy to them.

    Whilst in Hong Kong Liz brought with her from the UK her private family
    album full of unseen family and historical photographs from Sir Paul
    Chater's life. It is a companion pictorial record to her manuscript
    biography of Sir Paul Chater. She said: "I hope one day that I can generate
    enough interest for this research that I have carried out on Sir Paul to be
    published into a book, as remarkably there is no biography on him." Vaudine
    England author of The Quest of Noel Croucher, Hong Kong's Quiet
    Philanthropist said: "when I was writing my book on Noel Croucher I learned
    of Sir Paul Chater, as he was the 'big man' who gave Noel his first leg-up
    in business. I thought I would just check the details in the Chater
    biography - and was amazed to find that there wasn't one! Liz has done a
    remarkable job, researching the life of Sir Paul Chater. It's a real shame
    that none of the major Hong Kong companies he started, or indeed the
    Armenian Church in Kolkata who received his estate after he died, have yet
    chosen to help Liz get this untold story published. It's a great
    rags-to-riches story - he's the most famous Armenian from India who became a
    pivotal figure in early Hong Kong - and it would be fascinating to bring it
    all together." Liz pointed out that she had extended discussions with the
    Armenian Church committee and wardens in Kolkata a couple of years ago and
    although they admired her efforts they did not feel they could help her
    conclude her research and publish a book on him. Liz continues to look for a
    serious sponsor.

    The exhibition on CENTRAL runs until 30th September 2009. The bust and
    plaque are permanently displayed in Chater House, Chater Road, Hong Kong.

    PIX CAPTION: L-R: Anthony Nightingale, Managing Director, Hongkong Land;
    Mr. Chu Tat Shing, sculptor; Liz Chater and Adam Keswick Director at
    Jardine Matheson Hong Kong.

    PIX CAPTION : Adam Keswick and Liz Chater at the CENTRAL Exhibition. 120
    years since the formation of Hongkong Land between Sir Paul Chater and
    James Johnstone Keswick, family representatives Adam and Liz are happy
    to once again stand side by side to celebrate their ancestors' unique
    partnership.Liz's family ties and her commitment to researching Sir
    Paul have made her a leading authority on his life and achievements and
    she was delighted to attend and lend her support to Hongkong Land. She
    said: "It is truly a wonderful day today, I feel privileged to be
    included to share this occasion. For as long as I have been
    researching Sir Paul Chater, I have wondered why there was no real
    tribute or memorial in Hong Kong to him. Hongkong Land has achieved a
    first because this is the first time Sir Paul has been cast in any kind
    of statue. I am delighted to have been part of this unique ceremony
    where, at last Hong Kong can gaze at someone who made a difference

    PIX CAPTION: L-R: Vaudine England BBC News correspondent; Helen Swinnerton
    Archivist HSBC Hong Kong; Paul Harrison Archivist and Conservator; Liz
    and Campbell Maclean from Macao.P1120198-a