Sept 11 2009
Today in the Ministry of Agriculture took place a press conference
dedicated to the 100th day of the head of the Ministry Gerasim
Alaverdyan being in office.
"My appointment coincided with the harvest purveyance", - said
G. Alaverdyan and added that since his being in office he has visited
different regions of Armenia and has learnt about the problems that
the countrymen face especially during the purveyance.
He presented the issues concerning the purveyance of tomato, apricot
and especially grape as these fruits cause problems every year
concerning either purveyance or drying the fruit, or low payments
for the purveyances.
The minister mentioned that this year have been exported and purveyed
17.000 tones of apricot. Now all the efforts are directed on the
potato and especially on the grape purveyances.
Gerasim Alaverdyan highlighted that not a single fruit of potato is
being lost. The factories receive the whole harvest of the countrymen
and the payments are done beforehand with 50 drams for 30kgs.
As for the grape of this year it is for 30-35 thousand tones more
than it was last year.
"The grape will be purveyed this year within 120-130 AMD and as the
purveyance of the apricot was realized fluently, without problems,
the same will be done with the purveyance of the grape", - said
G. Alaverdyan.
Sept 11 2009
Today in the Ministry of Agriculture took place a press conference
dedicated to the 100th day of the head of the Ministry Gerasim
Alaverdyan being in office.
"My appointment coincided with the harvest purveyance", - said
G. Alaverdyan and added that since his being in office he has visited
different regions of Armenia and has learnt about the problems that
the countrymen face especially during the purveyance.
He presented the issues concerning the purveyance of tomato, apricot
and especially grape as these fruits cause problems every year
concerning either purveyance or drying the fruit, or low payments
for the purveyances.
The minister mentioned that this year have been exported and purveyed
17.000 tones of apricot. Now all the efforts are directed on the
potato and especially on the grape purveyances.
Gerasim Alaverdyan highlighted that not a single fruit of potato is
being lost. The factories receive the whole harvest of the countrymen
and the payments are done beforehand with 50 drams for 30kgs.
As for the grape of this year it is for 30-35 thousand tones more
than it was last year.
"The grape will be purveyed this year within 120-130 AMD and as the
purveyance of the apricot was realized fluently, without problems,
the same will be done with the purveyance of the grape", - said
G. Alaverdyan.