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No danger of earthquake in Armenia

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  • No danger of earthquake in Armenia

    Aysor, Armenia
    Sept 12 2009

    No danger of earthquake in Armenia

    In the last few days earthquakes have been recorded in Georgia and
    Turkey. On September 8 in the northern area of Armenia 3-4 magnitude
    quakes have been recorded, the epicenter of which has been in
    Georgia. The shakings have been recorded in Gyumri, Vanadzor,
    Noyemberyan, and in Ayrum, on the Armenian ` Georgian boarder. The
    inhabitants of Ayrum around 3:38 have felt shakes on September 8.

    `The seismic situation of Armenia is normal. The seismic regime is
    being checked all the time, the stations work all day long. There is
    no direct danger for us', - Hrachya Petrosyan the deputy of the head
    of the Armenian National Seismic Defense Service (ANSDS) said.

    H. Petrosyan mentioned that in the northern part of Armenia the
    observatories have recorded anomalies. That is to say before the
    Georgian earthquake occurred the northern observatory of Armenia had
    already informed about the earthquake.

    `The earthquakes that are of 5-6 magnitude can be felt. They have
    symptoms. But there are also some difficulties too, otherwise the
    problem of prevision of the earthquakes as a scientific issues would
    be solved long before', - said H. Petrosyan.