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    Announcement =2&p=0&id-2&y09&m=09&d=13
    11.0 9.09

    On the 10th of September, 2009 the Azerbaijani mass media disseminated
    a notification, as if the sub-units of the Armenian Armed Forces have
    started an unsuccessful attack in the direction of Aghdam, as a result
    of which five Armenian soldiers were killed and three more were
    wounded. Regarding the incident, the Press Secretary of the Defence
    Army of the Republic of Nagorno Kharabakh Lieutenant-colonel Senor
    Hasratyan has come up with a refutation.
    On the same day in the evening the Azerbaijani website
    published an interview with an Azerbaijani military expert Uzeir
    Jafarov, who, not being able to answer the question how it is possible
    to speak of an exact number of victims when there are no corpses, he
    said, `Every attack is followed by losses in the group, no matter
    whether the Armenian side publishes the number of the death or not'.
    This chip informational game of the Azerbaijani media and `military
    expert' Jafarov shows that the Azerbaijani side once again tries to
    lift the martial spirit of its army and society, while destabilizing
    the situation.
    A proof of what has been said is the photo of a killed soldier with a
    capture `the perished Armenian soldiers', which has been published in website. But ridiculous thing is that in the photo a Georgian
    soldier is illustrated, who was20killed during the Russian-Georgian war
    in 2008. This photo has already been published in the website of the RF
    Communist party: (