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Min of Diaspora and Hanguyc team sign memo on pan-Armenian portal

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  • Min of Diaspora and Hanguyc team sign memo on pan-Armenian portal

    Ministry of Diaspora and Handyuc team sign memorandum on creation of
    pan-Armenian portal

    of Diaspora and Hanguyc team on September 8 signed a memorandum, under
    which the sides will contribute to the creation of a pan-Armenian
    portal of national significance. Being aimed at preserving the Armenian
    identity, the portal will become an important tool for regulating
    Armenian information flows, Information and PR Department of the RA
    Ministry of Diaspora reported.

    The Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobian attached importance to the
    use of high technologies for unifying the Armenians scattered around
    world, and to the full use of the nation's potential for the purpose of
    strengthening the Homeland. In this respect she pointed out the
    necessity of certain programs, in particular those related to the use
    of Armenian in the Internet, making translations from other languages,
    as well as translations from Western Armenian into Eastern Armenian and
    vice versa. She said that the Armenian people can be informed about any
    project, news, problem through the Internet and expressed her
    satisfaction with the availability of Internet tools which enable to
    regulate information flows from Armenia to the Diaspora and in the
    opposite direction. "I am convinced that we will have an Armenian
    Google, but as the minister of Diaspora I dream of having an Armenian
    CNN," she noted, adding that the establishment of an Armenian search
    system will contribute to the creation of all-Armenian television. "It
    is time for our powerful high-tech organizations to unite and solve
    numerous problems related to preservation of the Armenian identity,"
    she underlined, noting that 3rd forum ArmTech 2009 will be held in San
    Francisco on November 6-10, an event of great signifiance for the
    organization of experts' repatriation.

    The purpose of the memorandum is to unify the Armenians around
    Armenia's independent statehood by encouraging Homeland-Diaspora

    The Ministry of Diaspora and Hanguyc team ( will also
    help with the establishment of an Armenian Internet search system that
    will later assume the role of a national local regulator by uniting all
    Armenian websites into a single system and reducing the gradually
    increasing outflow of money in this sphere.

    The sides will also carry out work on the creation and active
    development of an Armenian Internet with Armenian contents, thanks to
    which Armenians living in Homeland and Diaspora will have the
    opportunity to be in constant contact via various means of
    communication and overcome the existing time, linguistic, distance and
    other barriers. This network may form a basis for a virtual "Armenian
    world" which will include a number of professional networks allowing to
    consolidate the intellectual, cultural and scientific potential of
    Armenians living in various countries and use the joint activities of
    the professional network's members for the welfare of the nation.

    The memorandum was signed by Head of the Ministry's Information and PR
    Department Tigran Harutyunian on behalf of the Ministry and by the team
    head Mher Abrahamian on behalf of Hanguyc.