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Format' Became Hazy But it Exists

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  • Format' Became Hazy But it Exists

    11/09/2009 ments15139.html

    Splits in parties are not a new phenomenon for the Republic of Armenia
    and are connected with the non-realization of the political field of
    Armenia. In civilized countries, parties are never split at least
    because of accusations of a part of the party to the other for
    fulfilling the orders of the government or a rival party.

    But this of course does not concern Armenia and here party scandals
    are always determined by such kind of problems and there are always
    those who leave and those who are dismissed. AZhM, Communistic Party,
    HZhK, HRAK, Republic. There may be people who will remember other
    names of parties which the Heritage joined now.

    Logically, all this arouses much interest among the TV channels which
    cover the Armenian political life with details. The Heritage is an
    oppositional party which has problems: the sides accuse each other of
    fulfilling the HAK's or the government's orders. This material is the
    best for the Armenian television because two tasks are solves at the
    same time: both Heritage and the Armenian National Congress are
    defamed or at least attempted to be defamed.

    The main conclusion from all this is perhaps that `the format
    died'. In other words, the format of cooperation of
    Heritage-Dashnaktsutyun-Armenian National Congress, the possibility of
    which has been recently much spoken about and which had grounds after
    the release of the Armenian-Turkish protocols because the Heritage
    seemed to try to justify its internal problems with the help of
    transparent hints and accusations directed to the HAK.

    It is another question whether they are just or not. The fact is that
    none of the three forces presented any sincere wish to
    cooperate. Besides, the fact that the `format' became hazy should not
    be rendered a tragedy and one should not think that everything is
    finished and nothing maybe done. After all, if success encourages,
    failure makes think and pay attention to things which as a rule you do
    not notice when successful. In politics, non-existing things sometimes
    serve the society more that those existing.