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ANKARA: Friends of Turkey

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  • ANKARA: Friends of Turkey

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Sept 13 2009

    Friends of Turkey

    Sunday, September 13, 2009

    There is always this moment during debates on Turkey-EU
    relations. After exchanging opinions and discussing different
    scenarios, a Turkish participant takes the floor and sighs heavily.

    `I admire your optimism Mr. Lagendijk, but most Europeans do not share
    your views. You know, we know, in the end the Europeans don't want

    It is the modern version of the famous phrase reflecting the
    self-image of Turks for centuries: `Turkey has no friends.'

    Here is the news: Turkey has friends in Europe and they are very
    active in promoting Turkey's membership of the EU. Their names: Martti
    Ahtisaari, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2008; Michel Rocard, former
    Prime Minister of France; Anthony Giddens, one of the leading global
    intellectuals. Plus several former European commissioners and foreign
    ministers. They call themselves the Independent Commission on
    Turkey. This week they published a report called `Turkey in Europe:
    Breaking the vicious circle.' Members of the commission toured several
    capitals to make Turkey's case. Acting as ambassadors for Turkey on a
    voluntary basis.

    I would really like to recommend all skeptical Turks to read this
    report (also in Turkish on It
    touches on many of the issues that always pop up in reports on Turkey
    and the EU. But compared to the reports of the European Commission
    there are important differences.

    Being out of office Ahtisaari and his colleagues can be much more
    outspoken on some of the hot topics. Let me give you some
    examples. They do not think the secular system in Turkey is in
    danger. Although they criticize AKP leaders for not being sensitive
    enough to legitimate anxieties of secularist they clearly state their
    conviction that secularism is a well-founded pillar of the Republic
    that only a small minority in Turkey would like to remove.

    The European Friends of Turkey strongly support normalization of
    relations between Turkey and Armenia. At the same time they also speak
    out clearly against so-called `genocide recognition resolutions' in
    national parliaments calling them counter-productive. They are very
    positive on the efforts of Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davatoglu to
    eliminate all problems with Turkey's neighbors. Together with further
    democratic reforms, the report states, `The example of its (Turkey's)
    transformation has acted to project the soft power of core EU values
    eastward.' I can't remember having read such outspoken support for the
    idea that Turkey would be a great asset to the EU.

    The main difference with the reports coming from the EU institutions
    though is the harsh criticism in the first chapter of the report on
    some EU member states and their handling of the accession
    negotiations. Let me quote a key sentence: `Undermining these talks in
    advance by substituting alternative arrangements for the goal of
    membership constitutes a breach of faith with Turkey, stokes up a
    nationalist backlash in the country and creates the wider impression
    that the EU has discriminatory double standards when dealing with a
    Muslim country.'

    These are the words of some of Europe's best-connected and therefore
    most influential politicians. Yes, it is true, they are no longer in
    power. But their message got huge media coverage and, believe me, does
    have an impact on the debate on Turkey in Europe.

    In Turkey, media and politicians tend to focus on antagonistic
    messages from Europe and to disregard the considerable support for
    Turkey's EU membership in many European countries. I hope this report
    will convince Turks that they have powerful friends in Europe too.

    * Mr. Joost Lagendijk is a columnist for the daily Radikal and a
    senior advisor for the Istanbul Policy Center.