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Little Hearts: Two Armenian-Americans Create Documentary

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  • Little Hearts: Two Armenian-Americans Create Documentary

    Fund for Armenian Relief
    Press Release
    Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR)
    Press Office
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Tel: (212) 889-5150; Fax: (212) 889-4849
    email: [email protected]


    Li ttle Hearts: Two Armenian-Americans Create
    Documentary about Child Protection in Armenia.
    By Simone Paklaian and Alexa Sapah-Gulian

    We are both high school students who live in Connecticut and spend the
    summers on Cape Cod, where we work at Eulindas, a local ice cream
    shop. But this summer wasn't like the past ten we've spent at the
    Cape. This summer we made the decision to go to Armenia during a
    portion of our break, work at the Child Protection Center, and then
    create a documentary about it to develop global awareness.

    When we first heard about the Child Protection Center, which is run by
    the Fund for Armenian Relief (FAR), we felt that the work being
    accomplished was very important and we decided to get involved.

    Through our research, we learned that this was a one-of-a-kind center
    in Armenia, which is responsible for protecting abused children on a
    short-term basis until long-term plans can be set. It is a program
    that originated in conjunction with the Yerevan Police Department,
    which, in earlier days, routinely picked up abandoned children off the
    streets and placed them in facilities - facilities that didn't address
    the long-term needs of the children.

    This Child Protection Center program fills that void by not only
    providing for the physical needs of the children, but also by
    addressing their psychological issues and long-term prospects. Instead
    of placing them in orphanages, the Center looks to re-unite them with
    their families, where and when appropriate, or to a loving foster home
    as a better solution.

    Since this program first started more than ten years ago, it had grown
    to the point that the Center's Hotline and National Referral Network
    has brought in more children that are in desperate need of a second
    chance than the original police efforts did. Since the program was
    started, it has helped over 6,000 children, most of whom are between 4
    and 16 years old.

    So when the time came, we boarded the plane in New York that was bound
    for Armenia, unaware of what to expect. Though we had been thoroughly
    briefed on paper, neither of us could have been prepared for what we
    would experience. We were picked up from the airport in Yerevan by
    Garnik Nanagoulian, FAR's Executive Director, and some of the
    in-country staff. We were told that we would be going to the Child
    Protection Center for our first day of work the next day.

    The following morning we drove through the streets of Yerevan in awe
    of our surroundings. We had never been to Armenia and it was different
    from anything we had pictured. Both of us could not wait to arrive at
    the Center. Though nervous, we walked into the building confident. We
    were greeted by Executive Director of the Child Protection Center
    Dr. Mira Antonyan, and we began our day.

    Her enthusiasm and passion for the Center instantly calmed our nerves
    and she began to give us a tour of the facility. Initially it was
    difficult for us to communicate with the children because of our
    inability to speak fluent Armenian. They soon understood, however, and
    began to work with us and accepted our lack of perfect verbal
    communication. But what we did realize is that communication comes in
    different forms. A laugh, hug, high-five, or smile were all evident,
    and they enabled us to connect with the children on a level that
    speaking would not be allow us reach. We soon found ourselves anxious
    to return to the Center and be with the children that we came to know
    so well after a day.

    Once we knew the children a little better, and had become familiar
    with how the Center was run, we were able to interview a few of them
    and hear more of their stories for our documentary. In addition to
    their individual stories, we were able to accompany the FAR case
    workers around the country as they conducted follow-up interviews with
    families who had already benefited from the Center.

    We also got involved as children were brought into the Center, and
    initially evaluated for admission. In one case, we were heartbroken to
    see two young brothers, five and eight years old, brought in by the
    police because they had been wandering the streets for the last week
    after being abandoned by their mother.

    Although that was shocking, what surprised us even more was their
    quick rebound. After being admitted to the Center, they were cleaned
    up, given new clothes, and within a few hours were already involved in
    playing with the other children.

    While the psychological wounds of being separated from their mother
    will probably take a great deal of time to heal, at least outwardly it
    was a step in the right direction.

    During all of these interactions, we were both concerned that their
    life stories were too personal to share, and that they would hold
    back. But we were surprised to find that they were more than willing
    to share their background with others.

    These children and families told their stories with
    sincerity. Everyone in the room could tell how comfortable the
    children felt around us because even though we came off as adults, we
    have the hearts of children as they do. We both found the stories of
    their broken families and difficult childhoods devastating, but it
    showed us how much the Child Protection Center had really changed
    their lives for the better. They all seemed truly happy there and we
    were so thankful that we could experience a portion of their lives
    with them.

    As the days went on, we grew more attached to each child and developed
    a personal connection with each of them. We knew them all by name, and
    they knew us, too. Whether it involved working in the kitchen and
    serving them their meals, letting them act out by painting, singing or
    dancing, or by just simple play, we were always greeted with ample
    amounts of hugs and kisses everyday. It was nearly impossible for us
    to leave. Our final day, they followed our car out of the facility and
    would have come with us if we had let them.

    When we spoke to Mira the next day, she told us they were asking for
    us. This made our departure from Armenia bittersweet and more
    difficult than we both anticipated.

    We boarded the plane home with a very different mindset. We both had
    bags full of pictures and gifts from the children and these would
    serve as constant reminders of the small things that make them happy
    in life.

    This experience made us realize that we take everything we have for
    granted, and the simplicity of a laugh or a smile should be able to
    fulfill our needs, as it did for these little boys and girls. We will
    both have their smiling faces etched in our memories. Though they will
    grow up and find happiness on their own, we hope we changed their
    lives as much as they changed ours, even if they did only know us for
    a short amount of time. We could not have asked for a better
    experience in Armenia, and though the pictures will fade, our memories
    will last a lifetime.

    # # #

    About FAR
    Since its founding in response to the 1988 earthquake, FAR has served
    hundreds of thousands of people through more than 220 relief and
    development programs in Armenia and Karabagh. It has channeled more
    than $265 million in humanitarian assistance by implementing a wide
    range of projects including emergency relief, construction, education,
    medical aid, and economic development.

    For more information on FAR or to send donations, contact us at 630
    Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016; telephone (212) 889-5150; fax (212)
    889-4849; e-mail [email protected]
    [mailto:[email protected]].

    -- September 14th, 2009

    Fund for Armenian Relief | 630 Second Avenue | New York | NY | 10016