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Garabed Fattal's Free Health Clinic In Binghamton, NY

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  • Garabed Fattal's Free Health Clinic In Binghamton, NY

    GARABED FATTAL'S FREE HEALTH CLINIC IN BINGHAMTON, NY bed-fattal%e2%80%99s-free-health-clinic-in-bingham ton-ny/
    September 12, 2009

    Long before there was the current concern for the millions in
    the United States without health insurance, or the money to pay
    for expensive healthcare, there was a compassionate and dedicated
    individual who did something creative and constructive about this

    It was in 1997 that Dr. Garabed Fattal established a free clinic,
    subsequently named after him, in Binghamton, N.Y. In the last 12-plus
    years, 400 to 500 volunteer physicians, nurses, pharmacists, lab
    technicians, and office personnel have devoted their free time every
    Monday and Thursday evenings from 5 p.m. to as long as it takes, to
    service indigent people and those without health insurance. At present,
    the weekly work load includes 100 to 120 patients, and climbing. There
    is also a Wednesday evening dental program serving the clinic patients.

    "Since the time when we started this system in 1997, we have not even
    once interrupted our services because of lack of personnel," Fattal
    related proudly, during an interview with this writer at the recent
    Armenian Medical World Congress held in New York's Hilton Hotel over
    the July 4th week.

    Over the last 12 years, the Dr. Garabed A. Fattal Community Free
    Clinic has processed over 40,000 patient visits. Located in Broome,
    Binghamton's largest county with a population of 250,000, the clinic
    also serves people from surrounding counties and neighboring upstate
    Pennsylvania. "We don't discriminate," he stated with emphasis.

    Fattal was 67 years old when he retired from a large consolidated
    hospital facility where he was the chairman of a centralized and highly
    sophisticated department of pathology. He is also a clinical professor
    at the Upstate Medical University where he has been a 30-year member
    of the admissions committee. It was when he retired that he decided
    something must be done for those without health insurance in the
    Binghamton area.

    Stand up and be counted

    What motivated him? "Many people are unable to obtain and pay for
    healthcare. It was unthinkable for me that this most advanced and
    sophisticated society can't take care of its own people. In America
    today, there are almost 50 million people with no health insurance,
    and another 20 to 25 million with inadequate coverage." He decided
    that "those of us who have been in the healthcare professions should
    stand up and be counted."

    It took two years to convince other retired doctors to open a
    clinic. It was not easy. He had to find a locale to practice, and to
    convince the local hospitals to treat the patients for free. "It was
    a very long and complex job. We finally ended up with a system in
    the county health department pro bono with examination rooms. When
    the day workers leave, we come in after hours," he explained.

    And then there was the all-important issue of money. "We had to
    prod the county." Half a million dollars were needed per year-all
    through donations. New York state, the county, and local charities
    all contributed, and the rest came from many generous individual
    donors. Fattal has been one of the major donors.

    Care, aftercare, and medicines were given to the patients without
    charge. In addition, when a patient was in need of an operation,
    a sophisticated hospital procedure, or further research on a case,
    the hospital did it for free. "This was an opportunity to tell a
    hospital CEO to help us," he related.

    Currently, still on the faculty of the medical school, Fattal is
    aware that other people will have to be groomed to carry on this
    crucial endeavor, and he's hard at work doing so. "I'm not a doctor
    who retires, goes to Florida and plays golf. And, I have no interest
    in healthcare politics," he said, pointing out that the clinic was
    named after him only after the continued insistence of his colleagues.

    A 500-year community

    Born in Aleppo, Syria in 1927, Fattal comes from an Armenian family
    with deep roots in Aleppo for more than 500 years. He explained
    that there has been an Armenian community in Aleppo during these
    five centuries, with many Armenians emigrating from Giligia over
    the years. "There is a 500-year old Armenian church in Aleppo named
    'Karasoon Mangantz Yegeghetzi' dedicated to the 40 Armenian martyred
    children. It is a beautiful old church, big like a cathedral,"
    related Fattal.

    Following the Armenian Genocide, his father Asdvadzadour (God-given)
    chaired a committee of the Salvation Army that found homes and jobs
    for the genocide survivors who settled in Aleppo. "The local Muslim
    community welcomed the huge influx of Armenian survivors. The Armenians
    felt safe there."

    The Fattal family going back centuries had been in the rug making
    business (Fattal being the Arabic word for weaver). From 1907-08,
    his father, who had studied law in Istanbul in the early years of
    the 20th century, returned to Aleppo. Following World War I when
    Syria and Lebanon became French colonies, his father became a judge,
    rising to the highest court in the country.

    His mother Mariam was born in Aintab. Her grandfather's brother was
    the priest of the Aleppo Armenian Church, and while still very young,
    his mother was sent to Aleppo. Young Garabed was one of six children of
    Asdvadzadour and Mariam Fattal, all of whom having become professionals
    in different fields.

    Studying at the St. Joseph University Medical School in Beirut,
    Garabed Fattal graduated in 1953, and emigrated to the United States in
    1954. Specializing in pathology, he went to Manitoba, Canada in 1955,
    and for the next 10 years, was on the faculty of the University of
    Manitoba Medical School and Hospital. Due to a friend's urging, he
    came to Binghamton, where there was a great need for an experienced

    At Binghamton General Hospital where he worked for the next 25 years,
    he became director of laboratories. When Wilson Memorial, Binghamton
    General, and Ideal Hospitals consolidated, he became chairman of the
    department of pathology and director of clinical laboratories (with
    250 professionals), retiring from active practice in November 1994.

    Fattal, at 82 years young, has also been deeply involved in the
    St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church in Binghamton, serving
    as its parish council chairman for 12 years. He skis, plays tennis,
    and bikes long distance, but above all, he prefers to talk about his
    pet project. "The people who are the core of this voluntary medical
    program are so committed, so dedicated. Some of them work on the
    staff of the community hospital, but they approach this after-hours
    volunteer program with utmost devotion."

    While he would like to pass the baton in the near future to a younger
    individual, Fattal states without hesitation that this program is an
    "absolute joy" for him, and that he intends to "stick around as long
    as possible."