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ANKARA: Georgia Worried About Turkey, Armenia Talks, Says Expert

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  • ANKARA: Georgia Worried About Turkey, Armenia Talks, Says Expert


    Hurriyet Daily News gia-worried-over-turkey-armenia-talks-says-expert- 2009-09-14
    Sept 14 2009

    Normalization talks between Ankara and Yerevan have worried Georgia,
    an Armenian expert has said, suggesting that the government in Tbilisi
    wants the border between Turkey and Armenia to remain closed.

    He also said Georgia might face a territorial dispute with neighboring
    Armenia because of the ethnic Armenians' situation in the former
    Soviet country, adding that the sizeable Armenian minority in
    Georgia's Samtskhe-Javakheti region would eventually demand autonomy
    for themselves.

    "Along with Iran, Georgia is a major transit route for Armenia to reach
    the world. Seventy percent of Armenian trade is procured via Georgian
    transit routes. So, Georgia wants the border to be kept shuttered,"
    Haykazun Alvrstyan, a historian and researcher at the Center for
    Armenian Studies, told Hurriyet Daily News & Economic Review over
    the weekend. Georgia fears losing its key role in Armenia's trade
    relations, Alvrstyan said. "Another of Georgia's fears is to see
    Armenia as an alternative country for energy pipeline plans."

    The closest land routes to and from Armenia run through Georgia - via
    the Black Sea ports of Poti and Batumi and via the border checkpoint of
    Kazbegi-Verkhny Lars on the Georgian-Russian border. The checkpoint
    was closed by Russia in 2006 after relations were frozen between
    Moscow and Tbilisi.

    Conflict warning

    Likening the situation in Georgia's Samtskhe-Javakheti region with the
    row in the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh republic in Azerbaijan,
    Alvrstyan warned of a possible military conflict in the Caucasus

    "The Georgian government has ignored Armenian culture in the region as
    it has not officially recognized the Armenian church and has banned
    the Armenian language in schools," Alvrstyan said. "If mandatory
    precautions are not adopted, major conflicts will be inevitable in
    the region."

    Ethnic Armenians are the majority in the southern Georgian region of
    Samtskhe-Javakheti, making up about 54 percent of the population,
    according to the 2002 census. Armenians, who share the region with
    Pontian Greeks, Ossetians and Georgians, are underrepresented in all
    spheres of public life, especially government, according to a 2006
    report by the International Crisis Group.

    Lack of dialogue between local Armenians and the national government
    in Tbilisi adds to perceptions of discrimination and alienation,
    and many Armenians claim they are treated as second-class citizens,
    the report said.

    Nagorno-Karabakh is an enclave in Azerbaijan that has been occupied
    by Armenian forces since the end of a six-year conflict that left
    about 30,000 people dead and displaced 1 million before a truce was
    reached in 1994. Its unilateral independence is not recognized by
    the international community.

    Georgia was oppressing not only ethnic Armenians, but also all
    minority groups in the former Soviet country, Alvrstyan said and
    claimed that the government in Tbilisi was trying to assimilate the
    ethnic population.

    "The Ossetians and Abkhazians' declaration of independence are
    a perfect example of revolt against these assimilation efforts,"
    Alvrstyan said of the separatist regions of Georgia. The rebel regions'
    independence has been recognized only by Russia and its Latin American
    allies, Nicaragua and Venezuela; Moscow's decision to recognize the
    region sparked outrage from the international community.

    "The ethnic Armenians in the Javakheti region may want to have an
    autonomous administration in near future," Alvrstyan said.