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Davutoglu's Visit To Iran Highlights Ankara'S Regional Diplomacy

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  • Davutoglu's Visit To Iran Highlights Ankara'S Regional Diplomacy

    Saban Kardas

    Jamestown Foundation he=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=35490&tx_ttnew s%5BbackPid%5D=7&cHash=be70dc982c
    Sept 14 2009

    Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu paid an official visit
    to Iran on September 12-13. He met the Iranian President Mahmoud
    Ahmadinejad, Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, Parliamentary Speaker
    Ali Larijani and the Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security
    Council and Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili. Following
    his meeting with Mottaki, Davutoglu and his counterpart stressed the
    importance they attach to bilateral relations, as well as regional
    cooperation. Davutoglu noted that the two countries shared deep-rooted
    historical ties and their neighborly relations are based on the
    principle of refraining from interfering in each other's affairs. He
    outlined many areas where they explored boosting bilateral relations,
    ranging from economic cooperation to security. Referring to this
    multi-dimensional partnership, Mottaki described Turkish-Iranian
    relations as "strategic" (Cihan Haber Ajansi, Anadolu Ajansi,
    September 12).

    The foreign ministers emphasized that given the centrality of the
    threat of terrorism facing both countries, they will continue their
    collaboration in combating this phenomenon, referring to their joint
    efforts against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and the Party
    of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK). Davutoglu also highlighted the
    flourishing economic activity between the two countries, noting that
    the bilateral trade volume has reached $11 billion annually, despite
    the global economic crisis. In addition to discussing cooperation
    in various areas, the two main items on Davutoglu's agenda were
    the nuclear issue and energy cooperation. Davutoglu's meeting came
    in the wake of the announcement by Washington that it will consider
    holding talks with Tehran, despite the latter's reluctance to discuss
    its nuclear program. Iran forwarded a proposal to the major powers
    expressing its readiness to discuss global nuclear disarmament, as
    well as other international issues. Although the White House did not
    find Iran's proposals as responsive to its concerns about its nuclear
    program, it nonetheless showed interest in holding direct talks with
    Iran (Today's Zaman, September 14).

    Davutoglu reiterated Turkey's position that the resolution of the
    nuclear problem should be based on mutual respect. He also conveyed
    to Jalili Turkey's readiness to host negotiations between Iran and
    Western countries (Anadolu Ajansi, September 13). However, this is
    not the first time that Turkey has proposed to mediate between Iran
    and the West, and its previous offers failed to produce any practical
    results. Reportedly, both Washington and Tehran were reluctant to see
    Ankara play such a role (EDM, March 10). Following the press briefing
    with Davutoglu, Mottaki thanked his Turkish counterpart for Turkey's
    support for Iran's right to obtain nuclear energy (Anadolu Ajansi,
    September 12). Although Ankara remains eager to act as a mediator,
    what leverage it may hold to convince Tehran to compromise on the
    Western demands remains to be seen.

    Energy was the other key issue on the agenda. Turkey has a major
    incentive to help solve the diplomatic problems bedeviling Iran's
    relations with the West and bring Iran into the orbit of the European
    energy security discussions, a policy which is also supported by many
    European countries.

    Turkey seeks to deepen its energy partnership with Iran, especially
    considering its efforts to become a major energy hub. Indeed, one
    of the biggest obstacles before the Nabucco project, which Turkey
    considers as a strategic priority, is finding suppliers, Iran is the
    most likely alternative, since it possesses the second largest gas
    reserves in the world. Turkey indeed has been eager to act as a bridge
    connecting Iranian gas to the European grid through Nabucco. Although
    Ankara signed a major energy cooperation deal with Iran in 2007, it
    had to suspend those plans due to American objections. U.S. sanctions
    toward Iran prevent the development of the Iranian gas sector and
    the export of its gas to Western markets. Since its fields are
    underdeveloped and it needs immense transportation infrastructure,
    Iran has not emerged as a major player in gas markets, and even has
    been forced to import gas from Turkmenistan to meet its domestic
    demand. Prior to the signing of the Nabucco inter-governmental
    agreement in Ankara, Turkish officials, including Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan emphasized their willingness to tap into Iranian gas,
    but U.S. officials reiterated their objection to the Iranian option
    (EDM, July 14). However, Davutoglu said that Turkey would work to
    help Iran export its gas to European markets.

    Turkey's Iran policy resonates well with the recent course of its
    regional diplomacy. Ankara has fostered closer regional dialogue with
    Iraq, Syria and other Arab countries in order to create a peaceful
    neighborhood and develop closer economic partnerships, including
    energy projects (EDM, August 12). Bringing Iran into the same circle
    is definitely a prime motive driving Ankara's policies toward Tehran.

    Davutoglu, as the architect of this policy, appreciates the central
    role that Iran plays in the region and expresses his aversion to any
    instability that might be caused by the ongoing diplomatic problems,
    as well as the developments in Iranian domestic politics. This concern,
    however, results in a status quo policy of supporting the Iranian
    government. As reflected in Ankara's acquiescent attitude during
    the Iranian regime's harsh crackdown on the protestors following the
    disputed presidential elections, Turkey was criticized for not being
    sensitive to domestic developments in Iranian politics (EDM, June 18).

    Another underlying problem in Turkey's Iran policy concerns
    the differing interpretations both parties attach to "regional
    cooperation." Iran views regional cooperation as a way to limit the
    involvement of the West and the United States in regional affairs,
    as well as to exclude Israel. Turkey, in contrast, values its ties
    to the West and defines its regional policies in complementary
    terms. Indeed, such differences of opinion were apparent in
    Ahmadinejad's statements following his meeting with Davutoglu,
    which contained strong anti-Western rhetoric. Ahmadinejad claimed
    that the improvement of Turkish-Iranian relations is an obligation
    "in a process whereby great and oppressor powers are in decline"
    (Anadolu Ajansi, September 12).

    A major test for Turkey's regional diplomacy might perhaps stem from
    its ability to foster closer cooperation among its neighbors, while
    also ensuring that it does not present an anti-Western platform.