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BAKU: Russian State Duma Deputy Chairman's Opinion On Nagorno-Karaba

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  • BAKU: Russian State Duma Deputy Chairman's Opinion On Nagorno-Karaba


    Sept 16 2009

    Opinion of the deputy chairman of the State Duma of Russia regarding
    Nagorno-Karabakh is seriously prejudicial to the interests of official
    Moscow, Azerbaijani MPs consider.

    "Zhirinovsky's words not only contradict to the interests of
    Azerbaijan, but also Russia. If we take into account whom the
    present territory of Russia belonged to and the separatists,
    periodically appearing in this country, then nothing will remain
    from Russia. This is Zhirinovsky's shortsightedness that he makes so
    stupid and irresponsible statements," Aydin Mirzazade, MP from the
    ruling New Azerbaijan Party (NAP), told Trend News on September 16.

    Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma, Leader of the Liberal
    Democratic Party of Russia, Vladimir Zhirinovsky said in his
    interview with News-Armenia that Nagorno-Karabakh is the native
    Armenian lands. "It is possible to hold negotiation 5-10 years more,
    but everything will conclude over the fact that Nagorno-Karabakh will
    be annexed to Armenia or will be recognized as an independent state,"
    he said.

    "Some preliminary results of the negotiations on Nagorno-Karabakh or
    the signing of a peace agreement are not so far. Firstly five and
    later two districts will be returned. Later, debates will be held
    on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. It is interesting that Russia
    protects this principle. So, today Zhirinovsky strongly acts against
    state policy of Russia. His statements seriously affect the image of
    Russia," said Azerbaijani MP.

    "Zhirinovsky is the politician of yesterday. He acts against the
    principle of territorial integrity, keeping peace. Today Russia itself
    also faces similar problems - Japan's claim on the Kuril Islands,
    a separatist movement that was formerly in the North Caucasus. Did
    Zhirinovsky really forget about all these? If he is really so
    interested in the issue of self-determination of Armenians, let him
    make a proposal to establish an independent Armenian state in Russia's
    cities of Stavropol, Krasnodar and in Moscow, and Azerbaijan will watch
    what it will bring and come to a definite conclusion," said Mirzazade.

    According to the MP, the Nagorno-Karabakh problem is not solved by
    such aggressive people as Zhirinovsky, but by the Azerbaijani people
    and president.

    "So, in what form the Armenians residing in Nagorno-Karabakh will
    receive status is a matter of the future. And most importantly, as the
    president said, the status will be determined within the territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan," said the MP.

    According to Mirzazade, there is no need to protest in connection with
    Zhirinovsky's words at the level of parliament. "It is unworthy to
    pay attention to irresponsible speeches of people like him," he said.

    It is not necessary to seriously accept the words of deputy chairman
    of Russia's State Duma regarding Nagorno-Karabakh, MP Zahid Oruj,
    deputy chairman of Ana Vatan Party, told Trend News on September 16.

    "If we seriously accept the position of Vladimir Zhirinovsky in the
    current reality, answering him with official actions, statements and
    parliamentary factions, it will facilitate his position. Of course,
    the MPs should express their strong protest against this, but only
    because he voiced this position not as a representative of the party,
    but as the deputy chairman of the State Duma of Russia," Oruj said.

    According to the MP, the issues related to Zhirinovsky's opinion
    should be regulated in the information plane. "The use of other forms
    of expressing attitude towards this can lead to the implementation
    of plans, drawn up by Zhirinovsky together with Armenia, further
    replication and spread of his views in the society, and may even
    contribute to their entry into the international community," he said.

    Oruj said that no one has proper influence on the position of deputy
    chairman of the State Duma of Russia. "The Azerbaijanis are concerned
    by it. But he has no legal and political weight to make this position
    accepted by the international organizations. Zhirinovsky was the
    author of so many extravagant steps, actions and statements that some
    countries simply refused to seriously accept and officially respond
    to his position," said the MP .

    The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began in 1988
    when Armenia made territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Armenian armed
    forces have occupied 20 percent of Azerbaijan since 1992, including
    the Nagorno-Karabakh region and 7 surrounding districts. Azerbaijan
    and Armenia signed a ceasefire agreement in 1994. The co-chairs of
    the OSCE Minsk Group - Russia, France, and the U.S. - are currently
    holding the peace negotiations.