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Getar won't be open even if its closing will be consider wrong

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  • Getar won't be open even if its closing will be consider wrong

    Aysor, Armenia
    Sept 19 2009

    Getar won't be open even if its closing will be consider wrong

    Many people believe the flooding during the heavy rain in Yerevan is
    caused because of the closing of Getar stream of Khanjayan
    street. These opinions weren't dispersed even after the Yerevan's
    Mayor Gagik Beglaryan saying that the flooding is not related with
    Getar's closing and the reason of floods is the plugging of the nets
    of the capitals water-pipes.

    In his conversation with Gagik Beglaryan mentioned: `We
    continue our discussions to understand the defect that exist
    today. All these asphalting processes and constructions can bring to
    the situation that we had in 1946 when Getar flooded the hall
    city. God forbid from understanding the defect that exists during the
    real flood.'

    G. Beglarian assured that if it will be proved that closing Getar
    stream is wrong measures will be undertaken due to which `we will
    lessen the problems that we have'. The mayor excluded the chance of
    opening Getar stream again.

    The president of Consumers' Union of RA Armen Poghosyan thinks that
    the rains of June were not as intensive as they were last year, but
    such a flood didn't occur yet as the water went by its stream. `If
    Getar being closed doesn't matter so what matters? This question was
    left hanging in the air. How can Getar not to be related with the
    stream of the water?', - says A. Poghosyan with indignation.

    He also informed that he has talked to the chief architect of Yerevan,
    and to the question why Getar was abolished the answer was as follows
    `According to the Nature Protection Ministry it was
    stenching'. A. Poghosyan assures it is an `absurd', the river can't
    stench as the river is self-cleaner system. You should only pick up
    the garbage from there.

    `They have done something more horrible than putting the stream into
    the tubes, the rivers overflow in springs and in autumns the
    contrary. But the stream of Getar is not being more or less', -
    assures A. Poghosyan.
    After his investigations it turned out that the water reserving pool
    is dried and reconstructed and the lake which was feeding Getar (in
    the North of Avan) doesn't exist anymore.