http://www.lragir.am/engsrc/economy-lra hos15321.html
15:55:10 - 28/09/2009
Today, an extraordinary governmental session headed by the Armenian
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan took place. The government approved
the law draft on 2010 budget which will be introduced before the
According to the document, the 2010 budget will sum 701, 1 billion
form the point of income, 884, 7 billion- expenditure, and 183,
0 billion- deficit.
The 2010 budget of the Armenian communities will be 82, 3 billion-
income and expenditure each.
The law draft proposes to approve the RA 2010 budget as 676, 6
billion-income, 859, 6 billion-expenditure, and 183 billion-deficit.
http://www.lragir.am/engsrc/economy-lra hos15321.html
15:55:10 - 28/09/2009
Today, an extraordinary governmental session headed by the Armenian
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan took place. The government approved
the law draft on 2010 budget which will be introduced before the
According to the document, the 2010 budget will sum 701, 1 billion
form the point of income, 884, 7 billion- expenditure, and 183,
0 billion- deficit.
The 2010 budget of the Armenian communities will be 82, 3 billion-
income and expenditure each.
The law draft proposes to approve the RA 2010 budget as 676, 6
billion-income, 859, 6 billion-expenditure, and 183 billion-deficit.