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Restoring Iraq's Healthcare System Requires Teamwork

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  • Restoring Iraq's Healthcare System Requires Teamwork


    Assyrian International News Agency
    GMT 9-29-2009 21:5:6

    I am a retired American Army officer. Since my retirement, I have
    been hired by both the private sector and federal government to act
    as an advisor to friendly foreign governments. I recently spent two
    years as a State Department civil servant living in Baghdad, where I
    worked with the Iraqi police, judges, courts, and the Ministries of
    Interior and Justice.

    During that period, I consulted with people from many nations and
    I also came to know Iraqis who are Assyrians, the descendants of
    the people we read about in the Old Testament, whose capital city
    was Nineveh. Among other things, they gave us writing (cuneiforms),
    the first legal system (Hammurabi's code), and many of the original
    folk stories and knowledge we credit to the Greeks (Aesop's fables)
    or the Persians/Ottomans (Tales of the Arabian Nights).

    Education and the pursuit of knowledge have been important throughout
    the whole history of the Assyrian people, traditionally given to start
    in 4750 B.C. Their education helped them prosper -- but it was also
    a source of contention even in modern times, including during the
    time of Saddam Hussein. Since the invasion of 2003, large numbers of
    doctors, lawyers, bankers, university professors and other educated
    professionals have been targeted by insurgents and are now refugees.

    When I write about the Assyrian people I am talking about the
    ethnic group who trace their heritage back 6759 years to Ashur in
    Mesopotamia and includes the entire native, non-Arab peoples of the
    Tigris and Euphrates valleys. They may also be called Chaldeans and
    Syriacs depending on what part of the region they originated in and
    confessionally are Eastern Rite Catholics (Assyrians, Chaldeans,
    and Syriacs), Orthodox (Syriac) and members of the Assyrian Church
    of the East. The Assyrian Church of the East Patriarch resides in
    Chicago, The Chaldean Catholic Patriarch resides in Baghdad, Iraq and
    the Syriac Orthodox Pa ria. All these groups share a similar ethnic,
    cultural and religious background.

    Iraqi Women Religious at Work

    After I returned to the United States, I remained in contact with
    many of the friends and colleagues I met while in Iraq. In February
    of this year, one of the Americans contacted me. He was an advisor
    with one of the Provincial Reconstruction Teams at the same time I
    worked with the Iraqi Ministry of Justice. This friend had been asked
    by the Papal Nuncio for Iraq and Jordan to try to assist a group of
    Iraqi women religious.

    These Sisters--the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena in
    Iraq--had operated various institutions in central and northern Iraq
    for a long period of time. Since the First Gulf War in 1990/1991 and
    the sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United Nations, their capacity
    to provide healthcare and education had been severely tested. After
    the invasion of 2003, a number of their institutions were attacked
    and several Sisters injured.

    Despite the dangers and hardships, these Sisters have availed
    themselves of every reasonable opportunity to serve God through
    service to neighbor, including healing and teaching in Baghdad,
    in Mosul, and in the refugee camps of Syria, Lebanon and Jordan.

    The Prioress of this order is a 69-year-old Iraqi, Sister Maria
    Hanna. She has a deep and abiding faith in a merciful God, a profound
    love for her neighbors, and extraordinary hope for a better future. Her
    order is consecrated in the Eastern Rite of the Catholic Church and
    includes women of all the backgrounds which represent Iraq. Their
    spiritually is Dominican and they are part of the world-wide family
    of St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena.

    Seeing that conditions in Iraq were not going to be normal for some
    time, she reached out to Dominican communities throughout the world and
    established many worthwhile partnerships with them. These partnerships
    allowed a number of her Sisters to enter advanced education programs
    to study medicine, education, languages and information systems,
    knowledge they returned home.

    Sister Hanna and the other Dominican Sisters who remained in Iraq
    also continued to work for Iraq's future. Among other ministries,
    today they operate a Baghdad maternity hospital considered by many to
    be the finest medical facility in the country. They serve all Iraqis
    in their healthcare and education ministries.

    Dreams of a New Hospital

    The specific reason that the Nuncio asked for assistance is that
    Sister Hanna has dreamed for more than ten years of a new maternity
    hospital in the stretch of fertile land near the city of Mosul known
    as the Nineveh Plain. Violence there is still high but the need for
    the hospital is even greater. This is the area where most of the
    remaining religious minorities of Iraq live (north and east of Mosul).

    Sadly, very little aid of any kind has gone to this area. The
    U.S. Congress, noticing this lack, now requires that the
    State Department account for all money that is spent in Iraq
    for the religious minorities. Champions of this effort have been
    Representatives Frank Wolf (R-VA), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Christopher Smith
    (R-NJ) and Anna Eshoo (D-CA). In spite of the reporting requirement
    clearly identified in law, no specific efforts have been created by
    the Executive Branch to assist our friends in Iraq.

    After our initial contact with the Prioress and the Nuncio, we
    worked to put together a team of people to assist. One team member,
    Marty Hudson, was the Acting Health Attache at the U.S. Embassy in
    Iraq. Her contacts in Iraq and in the United States were invaluable.

    Once the team was assembled, we engaged in a series of long distance
    discussions with Sister Hanna. Where exactly would the hospital be
    located? Who would staff it? How much would it cost? Who would provide
    security, etc.? Many of these questions require a deeper understanding
    of Sister Hanna's dream so we requested a meeting with Sister Hanna
    and the Nuncio.

    We were able to secure an invitation for the Nuncio to attend the
    Annual Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., held in May
    of each year the Latin Archbishop Jean Sleiman of Baghdad to come in
    his stead.

    Fortunately, Sister Hanna was already planning to visit the U.S. at
    that time. We developed an itinerary for Archbishop Sleiman and
    Sister Hanna so they would have the opportunity to tell their story

    Since the Dominican Sisters already operate a maternity hospital
    in Baghdad, they know what is required to duplicate that effort in
    another part of Iraq. The floor plans and cost estimates they provided
    us captured the current hospital's resource requirements.

    If we were to accomplish this effort in another country (e.g., the
    U.S., the Philippines or Nigeria), it would be a fairly straightforward
    effort. We would develop plans for building construction, equipment,
    personnel, ongoing operations, and recurring maintenance. But this
    is Iraq (and specifically the Nineveh Plain) so we needed a detailed
    political-military security plan as well.

    We included current and former members of the Iraqi government in
    our efforts, along with the larger private sector or Iraqi civil
    society. We are developing with them something like a "Medical
    Green Zone"--a safe and secure location for healing and teaching
    in the north of Iraq. But the term "Green Zone" has very negative
    connotations with Iraqi people since they consider Iraqis who live
    or work there corrupt and uninterested in what is best for the nation
    as a whole. We settled on using the term "health security" instead.

    A Model for the Future

    This Iraq Health Security (IHS) complex will form the backbone for
    any public or private effort. We a envision this as a partnership
    between the private sector, the Governorate of Mosul, and one or
    more Iraqi federal executive branch ministries (e.g., the Ministry
    of Higher Education and Scientific Research).

    The mission of the IHS is to develop and secure the environment
    so that individuals, entities and communities like the Dominican
    Sisters are freed to do what they do best without being burdened by
    activities for which they are not trained or equipped will provide
    security, negotiate among the various ethnic and religious groups,
    and develop regional and, if necessary, national and international
    protocols (the area borders both Syria and Turkey).

    With the establishment of the IHS, the Dominican Sisters will
    be relieved of the burdens concerning security, utilities and

    Specific to the question of constructing a hospital, a typical "brick
    & mortar" facility is very time and material-intensive. One option
    that we are exploring with Sister Hanna is the idea of acquiring a
    prefabricated, modularly constructed facility. The obvious benefit
    is a significant decrease in time to complete the facility once the
    first shovel of dirt is moved.

    Additionally, the political and military situations in the Nineveh
    Plain are still very tenuous so the IHS will need some time to
    establish a charter, work out relationships, and build a peaceful
    (or at least more secure) environment. Should the IHS effort fail, any
    monies expended for a Dominican Sisters' operated maternity hospital
    are not at risk. The final location of the hospital can easily be
    moved to a more secure location inside Iraq or the modular sections
    can be stored in a secure place until the Nineveh Plain region is
    ready for them.

    One of the first commitments we made to Sister Hanna was that any
    monies acquired for her hospital would go to her directly through a
    preexisting mechanism--and not be filtered through new charities or
    offices. We have included in all of our discussions the Papal Mission
    to the Middle East (the Catholic Near East Welfare Association or
    CNEWA) as well as Caritas Iraq, the Catholic Relief Services and,
    domestically, U.S. Catholic Charities. CNEWA already assists the
    Dominican Sisters' current hospital and other projects through online
    donations (

    We have received the full cooperation of the U.S. Conference of
    Catholic Bishops. The USCCB graciously sponsored lunches for both
    Archbishop Sleiman and Sister Hanna during their respective stays in
    Washington We are often asked why we should do this. Why should we
    not just assist the religious minorities' efforts to leave Iraq and
    go someplace safer?

    Archbishop Sleiman provided part of the answer during his short speech
    at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast. He emphasized that we
    worship a God of Justice but also one of Mercy. He reminded us that
    Mosul is the ancient city of Nineveh, which was the capital of the
    Assyrian Empire--an ancient enemy of the Hebrew people. After the
    nation of David and Solomon was split into two (Israel and Judah),
    there was still hope that it could be reunited until the Assyrian
    Empire conquered Israel and dispersed its people. Nineveh killed
    the dream.

    This is the background for the story of the prophet Jonah. Jonah's
    antipathy to all things Assyrian was on a level with most Americans'
    attitudes toward Osama bin Ladin and al Qaida. Jonah was directed by
    God to preach to his sworn enemies. He was so upset about this task
    that he decided that he would rather go into exile than head east to
    preach to the Ninevites.

    But God had other plans since, as Archbishop Sleiman's reminded
    his listeners, God is more interested in saving people than
    punishment. Sister Hanna and the Dominican Sisters are clearly
    listening to that call.

    Why? The Historical Context

    What raises the Sisters' witness from humanly sufficient to
    theologically heroic is this: the Christian heritage of Iraq is one of
    the oldest in the world. Christians in Iraq claim the Apostle Thomas
    as their patron as he reportedly traveled through the region on his
    way to India and martyrdom.

    The1900-year history of Christianity has been anything but
    peaceful. The Christian population of the late 7th century was
    virtually wiped out by an Arab Muslim invasion. One Assyrian news
    service has chronicled a litany of assaults against the Christian
    population in the region and has identified a major event with
    significant casualties and damage inflicted against one or more of
    the Christian communities on an average of once every 50 years si .

    The worst most recent event occurred during the First World War. The
    Ottoman Empire was besieged on all sides; by Russia in the North and
    East, Britain and France in the South and West and by the Greeks and
    Serbs as well. All her enemies were Christians.

    Inside her borders were significant populations of various--mostly
    Christian--ethnic minorities that were at best restive if not in
    outright rebellion. In what probably started as a defensive measure,
    the Ottoman leadership developed a plan to deal with these minorities
    that morphed into the 20th Centuries 1st significant example of
    ethnic. Strong security measures degenerated. Over the course of
    the war, the Armenian, Pontic Greek, and Assyrian communities were
    systematically terrorized by professional Ottoman military units as
    well as hired militias. Hundreds of thousands died.

    At that time, the Assyrian population was spread in a wide arc
    from what is now Syria across northern Iraq / southern Turkey,
    and across northern Iran. Kurds were commingled with the Assyrian
    Christian populations, and the Ottoman Empire encouraged the Kurds
    to ethnically cleanse their region of Assyrians.

    Direct acts of violence, starvation, disease and exposure resulted
    in the deaths of up to three-quarters of the Christian populations in
    Iraq and Iran. Sister Hanna is a child of this murdered generation. She
    has responded to the violence by dedicating her life to healing and
    teaching, as have the other Sisters. This is true peacemaking.

    After the assaults committed against the Christians in the Ottoman
    Empire ended with the Armistice of 1918, the various communities of
    Catholics, Orthodox and Assyrians were scattered throughout the Middle
    East and the world. The League of Nations recognized the injustices
    inflicted on them and worked to provide them a homeland. However,
    nothing was accomplished. The ones who continued to live in Iraq were
    an important element of the security forces which guarded this English
    protectorate. A unit called the "Assyrian Levy" was instrumental in pr
    nspired Arab-Iraqi uprising against the British in the spring of 1941.

    The Assyrians were significant contributors to the economic, health
    and cultural fabric of Iraq since its establishment as an independent
    country following the 1st World War. This continued through the
    wars with Iran and Kuwait. It was only during the period of the
    U.N. sanctions that conditions took a precipitous decline as this
    was the time that Saddam Hussein "found religion" and shut down
    industries which he considered contrary to his interpretation of
    Islam. The invasion of 2003 exacerbated an already difficult situation
    for Iraq's religious minorities. They had no tribe or clan structure,
    no militias and no guns.

    During my time in Iraq I attempted to take advantage of the experience
    and wisdom accrued by my predecessors and the Iraqi people I worked
    with. Upon reflection, it appeared to me that it was the Iraqi
    Christians who were most interested in the best outcome for "IRAQ"
    and not just their own personal interest or that of their tribe or
    family. The unfortunate thing I also noticed was that because they did
    not have guns, militias or use car-bombs, road-side bombs or suicide
    bombers to get our attention, they were usually ignored. I do not
    know of any programs which we created that specifically supported
    the religious minority groups. Very few programs spent any money in
    Christian (or other religious minority) areas.

    On the other hand, the militias certainly knew the Christians were
    vulnerable and specifically targeted them. Their churches were
    attacked, individuals were kidnapped and killed: one teenage boy was
    literally crucified rather than convert to Islam.

    I found this situation at best professionally embarrassing. The
    religious minority communities deserved our support every bit as
    much as the people and groups which we were already helping. In
    fact, a case can be made that if we had supported their local
    leadership we would have been able to get a better return on our
    investment. It never happened while I was in Iraq. Sub he contacts
    I made in Iraq and work with individuals and groups to continue the
    progress we started. Helping Sister Hanna and the Dominican Sisters
    of St. Catherine of Siena is a pleasure. These are Iraqis who are
    doing following through on the promises that we Americans made to
    the Iraqi people for their health and security.

    Making the Dream a Reality Our goal in this project is to assist Sister
    Hanna. There are specific dollar amounts that we hope to achieve in
    order to support her new hospital.

    Secondarily, we hope to bring about the IHS and the public-private
    partnership needed to develop a sound social, economic, political
    and secure environment.

    A third goal is to try to look at ways to help individuals who
    have been victims of the violence, their family members, and
    perpetrators. This goal is similar to those in South Africa after the
    Apartheid regime ended as well as in post-conflict Balkans and the
    Sub-Sahara Africa. We are addressing the possibility of having the
    Ministry of Higher Education sponsor a facility we are tentatively
    calling the Iraqi National Reconciliation Institute (INRI). Sister
    Hanna's faith is clearly the source of her ability to not only forgive
    but to live out in her own life Christ's vision that all of us are
    His brothers and sisters and must be treated with dignity and respect.

    This is a remarkable project because of the remarkable people who
    will make it work. Frail and broken humans are offering their lives
    in service to God and we can witness God's grace on earth through
    them. Secularists will just see this as an act of medical diplomacy.

    Please continue to pray for peace -- and especially for those who are
    trying to live out that vocation in a place that has not seen peace
    in recorded history.

    John Stinson is a West Point graduate and retired Special Forces
    Lieutenant Colonel who served in Iraq for almost 2 years.

    By John Stinson