30.09.2009 10:36 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ During his visit to southern capital, President
Serzh Sargsyan will explain to CIS Armenian community representatives
reasons for establishing closer ties with Turkey. Beginning early
October, Armenian leader is startinG an unprecedented world tour,
"Komosomolskaya Pravda Rostov" reports. President plans to visit United
States, France, Lebanon and Russia to meet with national Diaspora
representatives living beyond the borders of their historical homeland.
"The thing's that there are no diplomatic relations between Armenia and
Turkey. Upon Ankara's in initiative, the border between two states has
been close since 1993 because of Turkey's support to Azerbaijan during
Karabakh conflict. Why should President have decided to make a world
tour? Simply because Diaspora community is almost twice as big as the
present-day population of Armenia. And as specialists assume, different
spheres of our economy regularly receive investments which mostly come
from Russia and the States, Hence, Armenia attaches great significance
to the word Diaspora. Naturally, Mr. Sargsyan's compatriots are eager
to know why he decided to pursue such foreign policy course.
According to experts, it's no mere chance that Rostov was selected
as a meeting site. As we know, southern capital is populated by one
of Russia's biggest Diaspora communities, including descendants of
Crimean re-settlers who were sent to Don by the demand of prince
Potemkin Tavrichesky. In 1781, Nor- Nakhichevan town was founded at
a short distance from Dmitry Rostovsky's castle. In 1828, the town
was officially annexed to Rostov.