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BAKU: Azerbaijani MP: Armenia Is Still "Breathing" Thanks To Iran

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijani MP: Armenia Is Still "Breathing" Thanks To Iran


    April 8 2010

    I do not think that Iran can put pressure on Armenia to de-occupy
    Azerbaijani lands, Member of the Azerbaijani Milli Majlis (Parliament)
    Azay Guliyev said. He was commenting on Iranian Foreign Minister
    Manouchehr Mottaki's statement that Iran has presented its version
    of settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to Baku and Yerevan.

    "Lately, negotiations on the Karabakh peace process have considerably
    intensified, and some countries have begun to voice their proposals
    for mediation in this conflict. In this context, Iran in its turn
    also makes its proposals to resolve this territorial dispute. But,
    unfortunately, there are two factors because of which Tehran can not
    be an impartial mediator in settlement of the Karabakh conflict,"
    the MP said.

    "First, we already have bitter experience of Tehran's initiatives
    to resolve the Karabakh conflict. At one time, in the early 90's,
    when Iran tried to take the lead in the negotiating process, Shusha
    was occupied."

    "Secondly, Iran renders huge aid to Armenia. If it had not been for
    Tehran, Yerevan would have been in much more difficult situation
    today. Most of the food, energy, construction materials and other
    goods are shipped to Armenia from and also via Iran. In other words,
    Armenia still "breathes" thanks to Tehran," the MP added.

    "At the same time, I believe that Azerbaijan will never reject
    mediation of any country that is able to influence Armenia in
    de-occupation of the Azerbaijani territories. But, in my opinion,
    Iran would never exert pressure on Armenia to free the occupied
    lands, while Tehran does have such levers. Therefore, I see Tehran's
    initiative to mediate between Baku and Yerevan as an attempt "to sit
    in a moving train" The state which openly declares the importance
    of unity of Muslims does not need to help Armenia who has occupied
    Azerbaijan's territories," Guliyev noted.