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Interview With Didier Billion, Expert On Turkish Affairs

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  • Interview With Didier Billion, Expert On Turkish Affairs


    April 8 2010

    Euronews: "Didier Billion, you are a researcher at the Institute of
    International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) in Paris, specialising
    in the Middle East and particularly Turkey.

    "This is the first time that a Turkish prime minister has made an
    official visit to France since EU accession talks began. Can this
    visit help the accession process move forward or will Nicolas Sarkozy
    stick to his current position?"

    Didier Billion: "I really think that unfortunately Nicolas Sarkozy
    will not budge from his position on this issue, just like all the
    other issues. On many occasions he has expressed his opposition to
    Turkish integration into the EU, and we understand well enough that
    for him it's a question of domestic politics. And I don't see how,
    today, the Turkish prime minister's visit to Paris can convince him
    that his position is wrong."

    Euronews: "But do you think they will have touched on this subject
    during their talks?"

    Didier Billion: "Of course. I think that since arriving in Paris last
    night, the Turkish prime minister has been saying that Nicolas Sarkozy
    is welcome to come to Turkey to see first hand how Turkish society has
    developed. It's a thinly veiled criticism of Sarkozy for not having
    taken the time to go to Turkey on an official visit. And that is a
    quite obvious nudge on the part of the Turkish prime minister. So
    if this meeting is useful in that sense, then that would be a very
    good thing."

    Euronews: "Turkish EU membership, toughening the stance on Iran,
    Armenia...There seems to be only disagreement between the two

    Are there issues on which they agree?"

    Didier Billion: "On Armenia, let's make clear that Nicolas Sarkozy
    warmly congratulated the Armenians and the Turks when they signed
    the protocol agreement together last October. Unfortunately, these
    protocol agreements on better ties between the two countries have
    not been ratified, either by the Armenian or Turkish parliaments. So
    there, we're falling behind schedule unfortunately. But there is at
    least an official sharing of views.

    "On the other issues, the plan for a Mediterranean Union- if you'll
    forgive me the expression- is failing to take off. Since what happened
    in Gaza it has struggled to get going and become a reality.

    "On Syria, we know that both Turkey and France have played an important
    role in getting Syria back into the international fold. But there
    unfortunately, it's more a case of competition between Turkey and
    France rather than a case of working together to improve ties with
    Syria. So, in effect, it is difficult to find an issue on which
    Turkey and France can move forward on an equal footing and in such
    a way that they complement each other."