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Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter - 04/08/2010

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  • Yerevan Press Club Weekly Newsletter - 04/08/2010


    APRIL 2-8, 2010





    On April 2-5 in Izmir, Turkey, a round table on "Journalists Support
    Stability and Cooperation in Caucasus" was held. The event was attended by
    media representatives from South Caucasus, Russia and Turkey. The round
    table was organized within the project of Yerevan Press Club and "Yeni
    Nesil" Journalists Union of Azerbaijan, supported by the Open Society
    Institute Network Media Program. The partners of YPC and "Yeni Nesil" were
    Georgian Institute of Public Affairs, Federation of Journalists of Turkey
    and Journalists' Union of Russia. The round table was held with the
    assistance of Izmir University of Economics. The participants discussed the
    media situation in the region, the main regional political and economic
    issues and their coverage by media, as well as the perspectives and the ways
    of cooperation between journalists.


    On April 2, eight years have passed since "A1+" TV company was deprived of
    the right to air as a result of a refusal of broadcast license. Since 2002
    "A1+" has participated in 12 competitions, held by the National Commission
    on Television and Radio, and every time the bids of the TV company were
    scored lower than the ones of its rivals.

    On April 2, 2010 International Federation of Human Rights, Committee to
    Protect Freedom of Expression, Yerevan Press Club, Internews Media Support
    NGO, Media Diversity Institute-Armenia, Armenian Helsinki Committee,
    Foundation against Violation of Law, Civil Society Institute released a
    statement, noting that after April 2, 2002 the broadcasters started to work
    more cautiously and that a hidden censorship is applied in Armenia, by using
    economic and tax leverage, as well as political pressure. The signatories
    mentioned that the European Court of Human Rights in its decision of June
    17, 2008 on the suit of the "A1+" founder, "Meltex" LLC, versus Republic of
    Armenia ruled that Article 10 of European Convention on Human Rights and
    Fundamental Freedoms had been violated, i.e. the right of "A1+" to freely
    impart information and ideas. Nevertheless, on September 10, 2008 RA
    National Assembly suspended the broadcast licensing competitions for two
    years, by enacting the amendments to the RA Law "On Television and Radio".
    This became an obstacle for implementing the ruling of ECHR.

    On March 4, 2010 the Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe, by
    addressing the issue of the enforcement of the ECHR decision on the case of
    "A1+", stressed that "detailed information on the developments regarding the
    remedies pursued by the applicant before the competent national judicial
    authorities is awaited", emphasized the statement. Besides, in its
    Recommendation 1897(2010), "Respect for Media Freedom", endorsed on January
    27, 2010, the Parliamentary Assembly of CoE called upon the Armenian
    Government to revise the amendments to the Law "On Television and Radio",
    passed on September 10, 2008.

    The human rights and journalistic organizations urged the Armenian
    authorities to create conditions that will guarantee the freedom of
    expression in Armenia. Particularly, to provide impartiality and
    transparency of future broadcast licensing competitions and hereby to
    ensure well-founded and justified decisions by National Commission on
    Television and Radio, which will restore public trust.

    When reprinting or using the information above, reference to the Yerevan
    Press Club is required.

    You are welcome to send any comment and feedback about the Newsletter to:
    [email protected]

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    this mailing list, please send a message to: [email protected]

    Editor of YPC Newsletter - Elina POGHOSBEKIAN
    _____________________________________ _______
    Yerevan Press Club
    9B, Ghazar Parpetsi str.
    0002, Yerevan, Armenia
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