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A Crime Writer's Guide To Modern Turkey

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  • A Crime Writer's Guide To Modern Turkey


    Global Post
    April 9 2010

    US scholar-turned-writer Jenny White uses crime, passion and political
    foment to decipher Turkey.

    ISTANBUL, Turkey -- It begins with the image of a man placing a
    soft-boiled egg in his mouth. He sits without chewing, eyes lowered,
    until the egg is gone.

    "It was not until I was in my 20s that I understood. Anticipation is
    the brilliant goad to pleasure," writes professor-turned-mystery-writer
    Jenny White in the "The Sultan's Seal."

    One day, while walking along the Bosporus -- Turkey's famed waterway
    that forms the boundary between the European and Asian sides of
    Istanbul -- this image of the slowly savored egg appeared to White,
    word-for-word in a flash if inspiration. So began the first of her
    series of crime novels set in the dying Ottoman Empire.

    With her newest novel, "The Winter Thief" just out, White sat down
    with GlobalPost to talk about the tension between fiction and reality,
    why her use of Armenian characters may mean her book never appears
    in Turkish and the lessons the dying Ottoman Empire held for today's

    In a culture that puts a premium on loyalty to the state, White's
    determined protagonist is Special Prosecutor Kamil Pasha, a magistrate
    of the 1888 Ottoman Empire torn between his devotion to the Sultan
    and his honor.

    "The Winter Thief" opens with the scene of a beautiful woman carrying
    The Communist Manifesto in Armenian through the streets of Istanbul,
    unaware of the men following her. A bank robbery and cache of illegal
    weapons soon bring Kamil Pasha on the case, and pit him against a
    dangerous enemy: Vahid, head of a special branch of the secret police,
    who has convinced the sultan that an Armenian commune is leading a
    secessionist movement and should be destroyed, along with surrounding
    villages. Kamil must stop the massacre, but finds himself framed for
    murder and accused of treason, with the lives of his family and the
    woman he loves in danger.

    "What happens when your duty to the law contradicts your own moral
    belief? Do you choose the law or yourself?" White said. "You have
    to make a choice, even if that choice destroys you."A professor
    of anthropology at Boston University and a Turkey specialist, White
    masterfully forces her characters to make moral decisions in seemingly
    impossible circumstances.

    This tension between self-preservation and ethical behavior is a
    fundamental dilemma, and one that White believes Turkey is facing

    "You have secularists who feel that loyalty to the state is more
    important than anything," White said. "They are placed in a moral
    quandary between their support of civic rights and their fear of what
    that could mean for the country. They are afraid of Turkey turning
    into Iran, afraid of Turkey disappearing, afraid of Turkey losing
    its sense of identity."

    The questions Kamil Pasha faces may have a difference face -- loyalty
    to the Sultan, or loyalty to the state -- but this fear of a changing
    political landscape will likely resonate with those familiar with
    Turkey today. And in the end, Kamil Pasha's battles may hold some
    surprising lessons for those on both sides of the fight.

    White takes Kamil Pasha into every nook and cranny of this ancient
    city, from the bustle and chaos of the Eminonu pier to a nighttime
    passage across dark waters to Uskudar, as much a tollbooth for the
    Bosphorus then as it is today.

    Her knowledge of the city -- White has been traveling to Istanbul
    since the 1970s -- make the scenes of veiled women, bad hospitals
    and narrow passageways come alive, while the depth of her historical
    knowledge keeps them accurate.

    "I choose the 1880s because it was a kind of in-between period, a time
    of turbulence but before the explosive end of the Ottoman Empire,"
    White said. "Things were changing, but no one knew in which direction,
    so it was a time of questions, a time of experimentation."

    The title comes from ancient Armenian mythology, which called the
    Milky Way the "Straw Thief's Way." According to legend, the god
    Vahagn stole a straw from the Assyrian king Barsham and brought it
    to Armenia during a cold winter. When he fled across the heavens,
    he fell and the straw spilled across the sky.

    "What kind of god is that? A fumbling god? For me it's a metaphor
    for those who hold good intentions but are plagued by their own
    ineptitude," White said.

    In her story, it is a group of Armenian communists intent on setting
    up a utopian community whose naivete and incompetence ultimately lead
    to death and destruction. But while her portrayal of both Turks and
    Armenians throughout the book is subtle and varied, leaving neither
    party wholly marked by guilt or innocence, White worries about how
    the role of Armenian characters in her book might be interpreted by
    a skeptical Turkish populace.

    "I hope that Turks will read my book and form their own opinions,"
    White said. "But I worry that the fact that I have Armenian characters
    in dominant roles may mean that the book never makes it to a Turkish
    translation. There is so much history there."