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Sarkisian Meets With Obama, Erdogan; Says Genocide Cannot Be Questio

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  • Sarkisian Meets With Obama, Erdogan; Says Genocide Cannot Be Questio


    Apr 12th, 2010

    WASHINGTON (Combined Sources)-President Serzh Sarkisian on Monday
    met with President Barack Obama and held talks with Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of an international
    nuclear summit.

    Sarkisian also attended an event at the tomb of President Woodrow
    Wilson, where after laying a wreath, he made remarks at the National
    Cathedral addressed to community members and Armenian Genocide
    survivors who had gathered for the event.

    "Turkey cannot speak to Armenia and the Armenian people in a language
    of preconditions," President Serzh Sarkisian remarked at a gathering
    at the Woodrow Wilson Monument, moments after his meeting with Erdogan.

    He also emphasized that Armenia was not willing to make the fact
    of the Armenian Genocide a matter of discussion, nor did he believe
    that Turkey would have a positive role in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace

    Armenian Revolutionary Federation Bureau member Dr. Viken Hovsepian,
    who attended the National Cathedral event called on Sarkisian to
    rescind his signature from the Armenia-Turkey protocols.

    "We heard President Sarkisian's speech, which primarily honored
    President Wilson's memory and his friendship with the Armenian
    people," he said during interview with our sister publication, the
    Armenian Weekly.

    "The symbolism of President Wilson goes far beyond the friendship
    aspect. Wilson is the architect of what became known as 'Wilsonian
    Armenia'-an independent Armenia which included Armenian provinces
    of the Ottoman Empire. We are mindful of the symbolism of President
    Sarkisian's visit to Wilson's tomb and his speech today," explained

    "The real expression, however, of this symbolism-and its logical
    continuation-would be President Sarkisian's rescinding his signature
    from the Turkey-Armenia protocols," said Hovsepian.

    "President Sarkisian's remarks - both in timing and in substance - are
    greatly encouraging," ARF Central Committee Chairman Antranig Kasbarian
    told the Armenian Weekly. "The symbolism of honoring Woodrow Wilson -
    a champion of Genocide survivors and guarantor of Western Armenia -
    was not lost on those assembled. Nor was the President's assessment
    of current political relations, in which he clearly rejected any
    preconditons by Turkey toward normalizing bilateral ties," Kasbarian

    "But the true test will come behind closed doors, when Mr. Sargsyan
    encounters the inevitable pressure from Washington and Ankara to
    come to terms," added Kasbarian. "If he follows the path set out
    today, then we can reasonably hope that Armenia will retreat from
    the Protocols and the dangerous course they represent. If not, then
    we may see Armenia's predicament go from bad to worse."

    Obama discussed with Sarkisian, prospects for the normalization of
    Turkish-Armenian relations and the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict during their first-ever talks held in Washington on Monday,
    reported Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.

    A "read out" issued by the White House statedt: "The President
    commended President Sarkisian for his courageous efforts to achieve
    normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey and encouraged
    him to fulfill the promise of normalization for the benefit of the
    Armenian people. President Obama also urged that both Armenia and
    Turkey make every effort to advance the normalization process and
    achieve legislative ratification of the protocols of normalization.

    President Obama also expressed his support for Armenian democracy."

    Sarkisian's office said only that the two leaders spoke about "the
    course of normalizing relations between Armenia and Turkey" and
    "exchanged thoughts" on the current status of the Karabakh peace
    process. They also discussed "prospects for the development of
    bilateral Armenian-American relations," it said.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who has been personally involved in
    the Turkish-Armenian diplomacy, and Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian
    were also present at the talks. The news service reported
    from Washington that Clinton is due to hold a separate meeting with
    Sarkisian during his visit.

    According to RFE/RL, a White House source, who asked not be identified
    said prior to the meeting that President Obama has expressed hope
    that through the reconciliation process that began in 2009, Armenia
    and Turkey would be able to improve relations and address long-time

    Sarkisian and Erdogan met Monday morning. Turkish sources indicated
    that the brunt of the discussion focused on a letter, which was
    delivered last week by Erdogan's envoy.

    The NTV news agency, quoting Turkish delegation members, reported that
    the two leaders agreed that Armenian and Turkish foreign ministers
    will focus on the ratification process of the protocols.

    Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian and Deputy Chief of Staff
    to the President of Armenia Vigen Sarkisian were joined by Turkish
    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and Foreign Ministry Undersecretary
    Feridun Sinirlioglu, at the meeting, diplomats said.

    No officials announcements were made at the conclusion of the meeting.

    During opening remarks at the George Mason University's new Center
    for Global Islamic Studies on Monday, Erdogan voiced his anger at
    the approval, last month, of an Armenian Genocide resolution by the
    House Foreign Affairs Committee.

    "History does not get written in parliaments and it cannot become a
    subject of condemnation by a parliament," said Erdogan.

    "We opened our archives and suggested the formation of a historical
    commission, however we didn't receive a response. Decisions adopted
    by parliaments will not benefit Armenia," said Erdogan.