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The History of White People

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  • The History of White People

    April 14, 2010


    Nell Irwin Painter

    Author of 'The History of White People'

    Were there "white" people in antiquity? Certainly some assume so, as though
    categories we use today could be read backwards over the millennia. People
    with light skin certainly existed well before our own times. But did anyone
    think they were "white" or that their character related to their color? No,
    for neither the idea of race nor the idea of "white" people had been
    invented, and people's skin color did not carry useful meaning. What
    mattered was where they lived; were their lands damp or dry; were they
    virile or prone to impotence, hard or soft; could they be seduced by the
    luxuries of civilized society or were they warriors through and through?
    What were their habits of life? Rather than as "white" people, northern
    Europeans were known by vague tribal names: Scythians and Celts, then Gauls
    and -Germani.
    But if one asks, say, who are the Scythians? the question sets us off down a
    slippery slope, for, over time and especially in earliest times, any search
    for the ancestors of white Americans perforce leads back to nonliterate
    peoples who left no documents describing themselves.1 Thus, we must sift
    through the intellectual history Americans claim as Westerners, keeping in
    mind that long before science dictated the terms of human difference as
    "race," long before racial scientists began to measure heads and concoct
    racial theory, ancient Greeks and Romans had their own means of describing
    the peoples of their world as they knew it more than two millennia ago. And
    inevitably, the earliest accounts of our story are told from on high, by
    rulers dominant at a particular time. Power affixes the markers of -history.

    Furthermore, any attempt to trace biological ancestry quickly turns into
    legend, for human beings have multiplied so rapidly: by 1,000 or more times
    in some two hundred years, and by more than 32,000 times in three hundred
    years. Evolutionary biologists now reckon that the six to seven billion
    people now living share the same small number of ancestors living two or
    three thousand years ago. These circumstances make nonsense of anybody's
    pretensions to find a pure racial ancestry. Nor are notions of Western
    cultural purity any less spurious. Without a doubt, the sophisticated
    Egyptian, Phoenician, Minoan, and Persian societies deeply influenced the
    classical culture of ancient Greece, which some still imagine as the West's
    pure and unique source. That story is still to come, for the obsession
    with -purity--racial and cultural--arose many centuries after the demise of
    the ancients. Suffice it to say that our search for the history of white
    people must begin in the misty mixture of myth and reality that comprises
    ancient Greek -literature.

    Early on, most Greek notions about peoples living along their northeastern
    border, especially that vaguely known place called the Caucasus, were
    mythological.2 Known to Westerners since prehistoric times, the Caucasus is
    a geographically and ethnically complex area lying between the Black and
    Caspian Seas and flanked north and south by two ranges of the Caucasus
    Mountains. The northern Caucasus range forms a natural border with Russia;
    the southern, lesser Caucasus physically separates the area from Turkey and
    Iran. The Republic of Georgia lies between the disputed region of the
    Caucasus, Turkey, Armenia, Iran, and Azerbaijan. (See figure 1.1, Black Sea

    According to Greek mythology, Jason and his Argonauts sought the Golden
    Fleece in the (Caucasus) land of Colchis (near the present-day Georgian city
    of Poti) obtaining it from King Aeetes, thanks to the magical powers of the
    king's daughter, the princess Medea. In Homer's Odyssey, Circe, the sister
    of King Aeetes, transforms half of Odysseus's men into animals and seduces
    Odysseus. Later on, Hesiod and Aeschylus take up the tale of Prometheus, son
    of a Titan, punished for having stolen the secret of fire from Zeus, who
    chains Prometheus to a mountain in the Caucasus and sends an eagle to peck
    at his liver every day for thirty thousand years.3 One can see that to the
    Greeks, almost anything goes on in the Caucasus. Furthermore, Greek
    mythology accords women of the Caucasus extraordinary powers, whether the
    magical of Medea and Circe, or the warlike of the Amazons, variously located
    in a number of places, including the Caucasus. Even today, these
    myths -reverberate.4

    Underlying the idea that all people originated between the Black and the
    Caspian Seas is the text of Genesis 8:1, which has Noah's ark coming to rest
    "on the mountains of Ararat" after the flood. In the thirteenth century
    Marco Polo located Mount Ararat in Armenia, just south of Georgia in eastern
    Turkey, at the juncture of Armenia, Iraq, and Iran in the country of the
    Kurds. At any rate, Mount Ararat, at 5,185 meters, or some 17,000 feet high,
    is Turkey's highest mountain and is still believed by many to mark the site
    of postdiluvian human history in western Asia. Nor have recent events
    lessened its -importance.
    Twentieth- and twenty-first-century wars contest access to oil (South
    Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Grozny, Maykop, and the Caspian Sea, especially Baku,
    hold rich old deposits); earlier trade brought slaves, wine, fruit, and
    other agricultural produce from the valleys along the Black Sea, and a
    variety of natural resources (e.g., manganese, coal, copper, molybdenum, and
    tungsten). Current iconography of the Caucasus shows bombed-out cities and
    oil rigs of Chechnya or bearded nationalists called "terrorists" by the
    Russians. Occasional photographs of Caucasians show gnarled old people as
    proof of the life-prolonging powers of yogurt. There was a time when the
    people of the Caucasus were thought the most beautiful in the world. But
    documentary images making this case--in pictures, not just words--have
    proven -illusive.

    By contrast, vague and savage notions had lodged in the Greek mind
    concerning Scythians and Celts, who lived in what is now considered Europe.
    Voicing broad ethnic generalities, Greeks had words--Skythai (Scythian) and
    Keltoi (Celt)-to designate far distant barbarians. Scythian, for instance,
    simply meant little known, northeastern, illiterate, Stone Age peoples, and
    Celt denoted hidden people, painted people, strange people, and barbarians
    to the west. We cannot know what those people called themselves, for the
    Greek names stuck. Nor can we know how many of those situated in northern,
    western, and eastern Europe, two or three thousand years ago or earlier,
    became the biological ancestors of nineteenth-century German, English, and
    Irish people and twentieth-century Italians, Jews, and Slavs.5 We know from
    Greek descriptions of their habits that, whether chiefs or slaves, all had
    light-colored -skin.

    For a sense of this vagueness, recall the naming skills of fifteenth-century
    Europeans as they looked west in the Americas. Their backs to the Atlantic
    Ocean, Europeans described sparsely settled people they had never seen
    before as "Indians." Such precision regarding faraway, unlettered peoples
    has been commonplace throughout the ages. Those at a distance became the
    Other and, easily conquered, the lesser. But not in antiquity because of
    race. Ancient Greeks did not think in terms of race (later translators would
    put that word in their mouths); instead, Greeks thought of place. Africa
    meant Egypt and Libya. Asia meant Persia as far to the east as India. Europe
    meant Greece and neighboring lands as far west as Sicily. Western Turkey
    belonged to Europe because Greeks lived there. Indeed, most of the Greek
    known world lay to the east and south of what would become recognizable
    later as -Europe.

    Mostly, Greek scholars focused on climate to explain human difference.
    Humors arising from each climate's relative humidity or aridness explained a
    people's temperament. Where the seasons do not change, people were labeled
    placid. Where seasons shift dramatically, their dispositions were said to
    display "wildness, unsociability and spirit. For frequent shocks to the mind
    impart wildness, destroying tameness and gentleness." Those words come from
    Hippocrates' Airs, Waters, and Places.6

    Distance was all, for travel went at the speed of foot and hoof. Scythians
    roamed from Georgia in the Caucasus and the lands around the Euxine (Black)
    Sea to the steppes of Ukraine and on east to Siberia. Interestingly, the
    word "Ukraine" stems from Polish and Russian language roots meaning "edge of
    the world."7 Russians and Ukrainians who now claim ancient Scythians as
    glorious ancestors look to Yalta in the Crimea as their ancestral home. Some
    Russian ancestors surely would have lived there, but the region's tumultuous
    history renders any single origin an invented tradition. Black Sea ancestors
    were Scythians, yes, but must also have included invaders and migrants of
    Tartar, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Iranian, and Chinese origin--at the
    very -least.

    Reprinted from The History of White People by Nell Irvin Painter. Copyright
    (c) 2010 by Nell Irvin Painter. Used with permission of the publisher, W.W.
    Norton & Company, Inc.

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