ArmInfo. Over Q1 2010 ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank increased the number
of its plastic cards by 2,4% to 83.7 thsd cards by 1 April 2010.
ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank told ArmInfo that the lion's share of the
total number of the bank's plastic cards fell on ArCa local cards
- 50,4% or 42196 cards, the rest fell on international Visa and
MasterCard, which amounted to a total of 41581 cards. The prevailing
share of international cards fell on Visa - 40731 cards. Over Q1 2010
the bank installed 6 new ATMs, the total number of the ban's ATMs
currently being 107. As of 1 April 2010, the bank had 731 POS-terminals
at the servicing points and 47 POS-terminals at cash withdrawal points.
According to the source, since late March 2010 the ATMs of ACBA-Credit
Agricole Bank have been servicing also the cards of American Express.
The latter concluded a cooperation agreement with the bank in August
2009. To note, as of the beginning of 2010, the bank had 35 branches,
30 of them in the regions of Armenia and 5 in Yerevan.
ArmInfo. Over Q1 2010 ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank increased the number
of its plastic cards by 2,4% to 83.7 thsd cards by 1 April 2010.
ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank told ArmInfo that the lion's share of the
total number of the bank's plastic cards fell on ArCa local cards
- 50,4% or 42196 cards, the rest fell on international Visa and
MasterCard, which amounted to a total of 41581 cards. The prevailing
share of international cards fell on Visa - 40731 cards. Over Q1 2010
the bank installed 6 new ATMs, the total number of the ban's ATMs
currently being 107. As of 1 April 2010, the bank had 731 POS-terminals
at the servicing points and 47 POS-terminals at cash withdrawal points.
According to the source, since late March 2010 the ATMs of ACBA-Credit
Agricole Bank have been servicing also the cards of American Express.
The latter concluded a cooperation agreement with the bank in August
2009. To note, as of the beginning of 2010, the bank had 35 branches,
30 of them in the regions of Armenia and 5 in Yerevan.