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Congressional Armenian Caucus 150 members strong

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  • Congressional Armenian Caucus 150 members strong

    Congressional Armenian Caucus 150 members strong

    April 17, 2010 - 11:13 AMT 06:13 GMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    On the heels of last month's approval of H. Res. 252 the Armenian
    Genocide resolution by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the
    Representatives Judy Chu (D-CA), Niki Tsongas (D-MA) and Jim Matheson
    (D-UT) joined the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, bringing
    the number of members to 150, the Armenian National Committee of
    America told PanARMENIAN.Net

    In January of this year, Congresswoman Chu met with her
    Armenian-American constituents and Assembly Western Region Director
    Yeghig Keshishian, where she pledged to cosponsor H. Res. 252 and join
    the Caucus.

    Last month, Congresswoman Tsongas, an original cosponsor of H. Res.
    252, joined the Armenian Caucus after meeting with ARAMAC-MA State
    Chair Herman Purutyan and fellow Armenian-American constituents. "I am
    fortunate to represent a large Armenian community in the Merrimack
    Valley and as a member of the Armenian Caucus I look forward to
    continuing to promote the mutual interests of our two countries and
    celebrate our rich shared history," said Congresswoman Niki Tsongas.
    "I will also continue to work to see that the mass murders committed
    by the Ottoman Empire against the Armenians are appropriately
    recognized as genocide through the passage of the long-overdue
    Armenian genocide resolution in Congress."