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Armenian Government Intends To Apply Mechanisms On Reduction Of Fina

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  • Armenian Government Intends To Apply Mechanisms On Reduction Of Fina


    2010-04-23 11:23:00

    ArmInfo. The Armenian Government intends to apply mechanisms on
    reduction of financial system dollarization, says the Letter of Intent
    drawn up by the Armenian Government with respect to International
    Monetary Fund's Third Review under the Stand-By Arrangement.

    "On the back of a strong policy response, Armenia is leaving
    behind a crisis of enormous proportions. Since the last review, our
    continued fiscal and monetary stimulus has stabilized the economy. Our
    exchange rate policy stabilized the dollarization process and has been
    instrumental in allaying concerns for financial stability. Structural
    reforms in the program are building the foundation for increased tax
    collection and improving safety nets to minimize the effects of the
    crisis on the poor.

    Our performance under the program continues to be very strong. Almost
    all quantitative targets for end-December were met. The fiscal
    deficit, while providing key support to the economy, has been kept
    under control, allowing us to attain the end-December targets for the
    fiscal balance and net banking system credit to the government. We
    also met the end-September target for fiscal balance, for which, with
    provisional data, we had cautiously asked for a waiver of nonobservance
    at the time of the last review. The net international reserves target
    was comfortably met. However, despite our prudent monetary policy,
    the end-December performance criterion on net domestic assets of the
    Central Bank was narrowly missed due to strong temporary liquidity
    demands in the last few days of the year in advance of the unusually
    long holiday period. Also, the indicative target on the stock of tax
    credits for end-December was missed. As outlined below, structural
    benchmarks were implemented largely as planned.

    This Letter of Intent builds on these achievements, laying out an
    agenda for 2010 that supports the exit path from the crisis. Our
    macroeconomic policies will need to strike a balance between the risk
    of choking off economic recovery and containing macroeconomic pressures
    that may emerge. We will also continue efforts on structural reforms
    to increase tax revenue, develop a sound financial system, and build
    the foundations for sustained diversified economic growth and poverty
    reduction. We remain committed to implementing the measures contained
    in previous letters of intent.

    Economic activity has stabilized, while inflation has increased.

    Domestic demand, mainly for non-durable goods, has held steady thanks
    to our stimulus package. Recovery is evident in some sectors, including
    the mining and metallurgy industries. Inflation has increased on the
    basis of strengthening international commodity prices, some lagged
    pass-through effects from the exchange rate depreciation observed
    in the first part of 2009, and initial signs of pressure in selected

    We expect a mild recovery in 2010. Prospects for the world economy
    and the Russian economy in particular have improved moderately,
    providing support for remittances and the tradable sector. Financial
    sector intermediation is picking up, and will support growth and
    domestic demand. Changes in private consumption and investment,
    which were contributing to the negative GDP growth in 2009, should
    make a positive contribution in 2010, whilst public consumption is
    expected to continue to show positive growth.

    The external position remains vulnerable, but we aim to reduce
    the current account deficit over time. Despite the contraction
    in domestic demand and real depreciation, the 2009 current account
    deficit diminished only moderately in dollar terms and stands close to
    14 percent of GDP, strongly influenced by the effect of regional trends
    in exports and remittances. External imbalances are expected to persist
    in 2010, reflecting the weak recovery of our main trading partners
    and continued strong public investment, while our gross financing
    needs broadly remain as envisaged in the beginning of the program.

    We are adjusting our monetary stance in line with inflation
    developments. Inflation has now fallen out of our target band, so
    consistent with our price stability objective, we increased our policy
    rate by 100 basis points since the beginning of the year. We have also
    decreased the amount of outstanding repos significantly, while tight
    liquidity conditions have created a moderate wedge between our policy
    and market rates. We will further gradually adjust the policy rate to
    become positive in real terms. In this setting, inflation will come
    down from highs in the first quarter, and we will continue pursuing
    policies to bring it within the target band in the near future.

    We will continue to strengthen our monetary framework. In light
    of increased dollarization, we will pay more attention to monetary
    aggregates, including base money, and consider the effectiveness of
    current rules of monetary policy implementation and communication in
    consultation with the Fund, including if necessary on-site discussions,
    assistance or studies by IMF experts. We aim to strengthen the
    transmission mechanism by implementing several dedollarization
    measures. And to enhance the effectiveness of our policy rate, we will
    use more frequently our available instruments to offset government's
    lumpy spending, therefore reducing the volatility of short-term
    market rates. To deepen the secondary market, we will also introduce
    an overnight interbank market trading platform in NASDAQ-OMX. Lastly,
    we will outline an effective communications strategy to explain to
    the public the temporary nature of price developments behind the
    headline index.

    We remain committed to the floating exchange rate regime. We have
    intervened in the foreign exchange market to smooth excessive
    volatility and counter speculative pressures to prevent large
    depreciations from threatening monetary and financial stability. We
    will continue to allow increased flexibility in exchange rate movements
    aiming at creating two-way risks in the market. In order to facilitate
    economic adjustments needed to maintain external stability, we will
    not intervene to resist fundamental trends in the exchange rate",-
    says the Letter of Intent.