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Congressman Royce calls for recognition of Armenian Genocide

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  • Congressman Royce calls for recognition of Armenian Genocide

    States News Service
    April 24, 2010 Saturday



    The following information was released by the office of California
    Rep. Ed Royce:

    Today, Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA) expressed his disappointment that
    President Obama failed to recognize the 1915 massacre of Armenians as

    "As a Senator, Barrack Obama had a strong record on the Armenian
    Genocide. As President, however, he's fallen flat once again. I'm
    disappointed that the President has missed yet another opportunity to
    set the record straight," said Royce.

    Royce also took the occasion to call on the House of Representatives
    to take up H.Res.252, a resolution that would put Congress on record
    as recognizing the slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians as genocide.

    "It is far past time for the United States Congress to officially
    recognize the Armenian Genocide. The U.S. has long been a global
    leader in promoting human rights around the world. On the issue of the
    Armenian Genocide, however, we lag behind. The French, Swiss, Swedish,
    Germans, and even the Russian governments recognize the Armenian
    Genocide properly. As a global leader in human rights, it is
    imperative for the U.S. to stand on principle and recognize the
    annihilation of the Armenians and move the bill," said Royce.

    As a State Senator, with the help of Governor George Deukmejian, Royce
    authored the first resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide, which
    passed the California Legislature. In Congress, Royce, along with
    George Radanovich and Jim Rogan, was able to pass the first Armenian
    Genocide resolution through the Foreign Affairs Committee.

    But, regardless of these successes, the impact of the Government of
    Turkey's protests has had the same effect. Each year the genocide
    resolution has passed through the Foreign Affairs Committee, Turkish
    pressure has prevented it from coming to the House floor for a vote.

    Rep. Royce is a senior member of the Foreign Affairs Committee. He is
    an active member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues.