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Freezing relations with Turkey does not mean terminating them

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  • Freezing relations with Turkey does not mean terminating them

    Armenian expert: Freezing relations with Turkey does not mean terminating them

    2010-04-24 14:31:00

    ArmInfo. President Serzh Sargsyan's address was Yerevan's response to
    imitation of the process by Turkey, Ruben Melkonyan, Armenian
    turkologist , told ArmInfo.

    He said that after the statement by the ruling coalition, the
    president's address and decree on suspending the procedure of
    ratifying the Armenian-Turkish Protocols were logical and not
    unexpected. "However, freezing relations does not mean terminating
    them. From the strategic point of view, it was right for Yerevan not
    to recall its signature from under the Protocols," the expert said.

    R. Melkonyan highlighted that the process was actually frozen by
    Turkey yet several months ago when Ankara even more toughened its
    politicy of preconditions.

    "Suspending ratification of the Protocols by the Parliament the
    Armenian party just made de-jure assessment of the de-facto freezing
    of the process by Ankara," Melkonyan said.