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President Serzh Sargsyan Received The Members Of The Governing Counc

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  • President Serzh Sargsyan Received The Members Of The Governing Counc

    26.04.2010 18:00

    President Serzh Sargsyan received the members of the Governing Council
    of the RA Academy of Sciences and Heads of the scientific and research
    institutes of the Academy, Presidnet's Press Office reported.

    President Sargsyan said that after the annual general meeting of the
    Academy it was necessary to discuss with the scientists the problems
    that hinder Armenia's scientific development and find the means
    to eliminate them. "Previous discussions regarding this issue have
    set the right course. I believe our priority should be to closely
    connect science with the education and economy," the leader of the
    country said.

    Serzh Sargsyan highlighted three main avenues for developing education
    and science in our country. "The first avenue we should take is
    to reorganize the existing educational and scientific institutions
    and use them more efficiently, i.e. to carry on with the process of
    reformation. The second avenue is the creation of a new generation
    of the educational and scientific institutions, like the one created
    in Tavush - a modern boarding school, where teaching is conducted
    in foreign languages, with the application of the newest teaching
    methodologies. The third avenue is to provide our students and young
    scientists with the opportunity to study in the best educational and
    scientific establishments abroad," the President of Armenia noted.

    President Sargsyan informed that the rites of the Luys Foundation,
    which provides funds for the Armenian students' to study at the world's
    best establishments, would be doubled so that a greater number of the
    Armenian students could study abroad. Serzh Sargsyan stressed also
    the necessity of creating opportunities for the young scientists to
    get training abroad, noting that corresponding steps would be taken
    on that direction as well. "I know that there is a problem of housing
    for the young scientists, and to solve the problem we are ready to
    make serious investments. However, support will be provided only to
    those young scientists, who are going to seriously work in science,
    but not to those who after receiving master's degree spend couple
    of months in a scientific institution and then leave to do something
    else," President Sargsyan said.

    The academicians conversed with the President of the Republic about
    a number of problems hindering the development of sciences in Armenia.

    The absence of relevant testing and production structures and
    facilities in the Academy was mentioned as the most pressing issue. As
    a result, scientific achievements cannot be fully employed in the
    economy. According to the academicians, the absence of necessary
    structures and facilities also prevents the flow of private investments
    into science which is imperative for conducting new research and
    obtaining scientific results. It was also noted that it would be
    necessary to create mechanisms for the enhanced cooperation between
    the institutes of the Academy and relevant economic structures.

    Participants to the meeting spoke also about the necessity of
    developing humanitarian sciences, particularly those related to
    the Armenian studies. The President of Armenia said that it is also
    necessary to create conducive conditions for the scientists involved
    in the Armenian studies abroad. The importance of publishing the works
    of the Armenian scientists in foreign languages and presenting them
    in electronic format was also underlined.

    Along with the science development issues, the academicians reflected
    also on the much debated issue of the Armenia-Turkey normalization
    process. They expressed their support to the President on this issue
    and expressed confidence that his actions have been efficient.

    Representatives of the scientific community proposed to conduct such
    meetings regularly, noting that obviously such discussions proved to
    be very useful.

    The President of Armenia approved the proposal and thanked the
    scientists for a candid and interested discussion, noting that it
    helped not only identify the problems but also to find concrete ways
    to overcome them.