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Frozen Protocols...And Warmed Over Obama Statement

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  • Frozen Protocols...And Warmed Over Obama Statement

    By Harut Sassounian Publisher

    The California Courier
    13:21 27/04/2010


    Two developments on Armenian-Turkish issues spilled a lot of ink last
    week. Neither one was significant, but assumed significance because
    of extensive international media coverage.

    On April 22, exactly a year after the release of the roadmap,
    ostensibly to normalize Armenia-Turkey relations, and six months
    after the infamous Protocols were signed by the two countries with
    great fanfare, Pres. Serzh Sargsyan announced their suspension.

    There was actually nothing new in this announcement. It has been
    crystal clear for months that Turkey's leaders never intended to
    ratify the Protocols. They simply wanted to exploit them in order to
    extract further concessions from Armenia. Turks repeatedly announced
    that unless Armenia turned over Karabagh (Artsakh) to Azerbaijan,
    the Turkish Parliament would not ratify the Protocols. As time went
    by, Turkey added more inane demands, such as reversal of the Armenian
    Constitutional Court's decision, and withdrawal of genocide resolutions
    from Parliaments of other countries. Since Armenia had repeatedly
    announced that it would not be the first to ratify the Protocols,
    the accords were already frozen for months, if not stillborn.

    Even though some may view Pres. Sargsyan's decision as a bold
    move, it would have been far more preferable for him to withdraw
    his country's signature from the Protocols, since they were dead
    in the water anyway. He could have easily blamed their collapse on
    Turkey's intransigence. He did acknowledge in his last week's public
    announcement that he decided to suspend the Protocols, after Russia,
    France and the United States asked him not to abandon them completely.

    Now that Armenia has blinked first, Turkey is blaming it for causing
    the collapse of the Protocols. Armenia has thus helped Turkey to
    wiggle its way out of the intense international pressure it was
    subjected to in recent months for its failure to ratify them.

    Moreover, as long as the Protocols are not completely discarded,
    Turkey will continue to exploit them by cleverly claiming that it is
    still committed to their ratification under the "right" conditions,
    and will use them as a viable tool to defeat all initiatives by third
    countries on the Armenian Genocide.

    Regrettably, Turkey is not the only country exploiting the Protocols.

    Pres. Obama, after pressuring Armenia not to reject the Protocols,
    dodged the term "Armenian Genocide" once again in his annual
    statement. He used as an excuse the non-existent "dialogue among
    Turks and Armenians."

    Just as he had done last year, Pres. Obama substituted the term "Meds
    Yeghern" [Great Calamity] for the Armenian Genocide and used the same
    worn out euphemisms and shameful word games for which, as a Senator
    and presidential candidate, he had condemned Pres. George W. Bush.

    The overwhelming majority of Armenian-Americans, who had supported
    Obama's candidacy and trusted him, now feel disillusioned and
    deceived. He ran his campaign on the promise of change, only to
    adopt the same immoral position of his predecessors, even though he
    keeps saying that he has not changed his mind regarding his pledge
    to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide!

    In a column I wrote last year after Pres. Obama first broke
    his campaign promise on the Armenian Genocide, I stated that
    Armenian-Americans do not need to beg him to acknowledge the Genocide.

    Thirty years ago, Pres. Reagan issued a Presidential Proclamation
    referring to the Armenian Genocide. Therefore, Armenian-Americans
    see no special advantage in a repeat statement by Pres. Obama. By
    not keeping his word, however, Pres. Obama succeeded in undermining
    his own reputation and credibility with the American people and world
    public opinion.

    It is simply mind-boggling that the President of the United States
    would go out of his way to issue a statement that would alienate the
    very people he is trying to accommodate.

    Just imagine what the outcry would be had Pres. Obama referred to the
    Holocaust as a massacre or a tragic event. Yet, this is exactly what
    he has done on the Armenian Genocide by using a series of euphemisms
    in his April 24 statement: "Dark past," "Dark moment in history,"
    "painful history." "awful events of 1915," " a devastating chapter,"
    "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century," "murder," and
    "terrible events." Pres. Obama's aides could have spent their time
    more usefully by reading a history book rather than a dictionary
    of synonyms.

    The only new idea in Pres. Obama's April 24, 2010 statement is the
    following brief sentence: "I salute the Turks who saved Armenians
    in 1915." This is a commendable notion which unfortunately becomes
    devoid of any meaning, in the absence of who or what exactly these
    Armenians were saved from!

    We all hope that the solemn commemorations next April 24 would not
    be tarnished either by the Protocols (frozen or thawed) or by Pres.

    Obama's offensive statement!