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The NFSAT Newsletter Serves The Armenian Scientific Community And It

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  • The NFSAT Newsletter Serves The Armenian Scientific Community And It


    Newsletter N9
    April 2010

    ECSP - the 2009 Early Career Support Program is an innovative program,
    originally suggested by NFSAT. The main goal of this initiative is to
    support the most promising young researchers to stay in Armenia and
    establish careers in research that will contribute to the development
    of Armenias knowledge-based economy. The NFSAT initiative supported
    by the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF) and the
    State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science
    of the Republic of Armenia (SCS MES RA). As a result of the national
    merit based competition a total of nineteen grants have been awarded
    to early-career researchers in Armenia. Eleven one-year grants of
    $4,000 have been awarded in the framework of Category A competition
    to support Armenian full-time graduate students, as well as eight
    two-year grants of $18,000 have been awarded in the framework of
    Category B competition to support recent Ph.D. recipients.

    For the 2009 ECSP program, NFSAT received funds from CRDF, which
    equally cost shared with SCS MES RA. CRDF funds were made available
    via funding from the U.S. Department of State.

    The complete list of grantees can be found in our website:

    2. Achievements under NFSAT's University Research Programs

    Closely adhering to the policy on a competitive basis to support future
    science and technology in Armenia, NFSAT initiated two multipurpose
    university programs: "BRAU" (Basic Research in Armenian Universities)
    and "UCEP" (University Centers of Excellence Program).

    Along with the main goal to develop the research capabilities of
    Armenian State Universities, these programs also include educational
    and integration components. By this programs NFSAT intends to
    create unique environment, namely, Research and Education Centers
    (REC), where young researchers and promising students will have
    a chance to take advanced courses and carry research works using
    modern equipments in close contact with senior researchers of the
    international level competitive science fields and aggressively
    integrated in the International Scientific Community.

    2.1. Basic Research in Armenian Universities (BRAU) The three year
    award "Polymer Synthesis and Investigations" with the budget of
    300,000USD has been completed. For the BRAU program, NFSAT combined
    $150,000 resources provided by CRDF, $60,000 supported by the host
    University (State Engineering University of Armenia) and $90,000
    supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of Armenia.

    The various modern equipments, chemicals and laboratory inventory, as
    well as computers and accessories, totaling more than $150,000, have
    been purchased in the framework of this program, and, in fact, created
    a modern research and education center (REC). In the framework of joint
    research works Yerevan State University, Tbilisi State University, RAS
    Institute of Chemical Physics has also used the REC facilities equipped
    by BRAU program. During the project period more than 50 scientific
    publications have been published, including publications in referred
    International journals and abstracts of the International Conferences.

    The annual International Conferences, organized in the framework of the
    project, allowed to develop scientific contacts with leading scientists
    from Russia, Germany, USA and to carry out joint researches. As a rule,
    Young Scientific Section was also organized by the young researchers
    and students of REC.

    By the financial support of BRAU program REC members traveled to other
    countries for project-related purposes and for scientific collaboration
    (Moscow, Chernogolovka) and presented REC research results at the
    International conferences (Tbilisi, Georgia, Goslar-Hahnenklee,

    During the award period a large group of participants has been
    involved in the REC's activities: 15 members of research and
    teaching staff and 15 young researchers and students (graduate
    and undergraduate). A series of lectures on the advanced topics
    related to the project field has been organized for the SEUA (State
    Engineering University of Armenia) and YSU (Yerevan State University)
    graduate, undergraduate, Master and PhD students. On the basis of
    special research and educational courses prepared in the framework
    of BRAU program three books have been published, which are intended
    for Master and PhD students of University education and wide range
    of scientific researchers:

    S.P.Davtyan, A.O.Tonoyan, "High temperature superconductors.

    Superconducting polymer-ceramic nanocomposites".

    S.B. Antonyan, S.P. Davtyan, "Colloid Chemistry. Nanoparticle
    obtainment methods".

    S.P. Davtyan, A.O. Tonoyan, "Hybrid and intercalated nanocomposites
    and their properties".

    To improve skills in English language by the financial support of
    BRAU project English language courses were organized for the students
    involved in REC.

    During the project period 4 Ph.D. theses and 8 Master theses have
    been defended.

    2.2. University Center of Excellence Program (UCEP) The main goal of
    the UCEP activities was the establishment of the three modern Centers
    in Yerevan State University (YSU) in a competitive basis. For the UCEP
    activities, NFSAT combined $150,000 resources provided by CRDF and
    $150,000 supported by the host University - YSU. Three merit-based
    projects (out of10) have been awarded by $100,000 for each for a
    two-year period:

    Superconductivity & Scientific Instrumentation, Project Director: Dr.

    Samvel Gevorkyan.

    Algebraic and geometric studies for condensed matter physics, Project
    Director: Dr. Tigran Hakobyan, Quantum information technologies &
    new nonlinear materials, Project Director: Dr. Gagik Kryuchkyan.

    a) The Center of "Superconductivity & Scientific Instrumentation"
    The research and educational team of 9 persons includes 6 young
    researchers and students, two of which got their Ph.D. theses on
    the basis of the award results. Regular weekly seminars for young
    researchers and students have been organized within the framework of
    the award. More than 30 papers in total have been published and talks
    have been delivered at the International Conferences and Workshops
    during the award execution period. Two students could attend the
    Advanced International Schools in Europe.

    Fig. 1. Dr. Samvel Gevorkyan (right) with young researcher Bilor
    Kurghinyan in "Superconductivity & Scientific Instrumentation"
    Research&Educational Center created in framework of UCEP.

    Along with a basic research, the goal of the Center was focused also
    on the commercialization of obtained results. An Armenian start-up
    company, i.e. "Precision Sensors / Instrumentation Inc." ("PSI"),
    was established in 2008, which was recognized as the best in Asia
    (the winner Prize is shown in Fig. 2 (right), and one of the top
    six finalists of the world level "Global Security Challenge's" 2008
    years competition in London (see the gained Cup in Fig.2 - left). The
    competition was based on the advanced technologies offered to support
    world global security problems. "PSI" was also among the top three
    finalists of the 2009 years European "GSC" Final competition in
    Athens (the gained Prize is shown in Fig. 3). Unprecedented for the
    Republic of Armenia such International recognition of the Armenian
    technology enabled the Center to sign Teeming Agreements with the
    "Singapore Technologies Dynamics", as well as with the U.S. "United
    Detection Technologies" ? to move ahead to the c! ommercialization of
    the group's fine SFCO Platform Technology. The Armenian Ministry of
    Defense has also shown its interest in this unique technology, and
    the related long-term, large-scale contract discussion is currently
    in progress. "Geological Survey" of the Norway has also expressed
    interest in this technology, particularly in using the Center's
    Center's new principle of operation seismic detector for the strong
    earthquakes prediction.

    Fig. 2. The Prize and Cup gained by the YSU "Superconductivity &
    Scientific Instrumentation" Center at the 2008 years "Global Security
    Challenge" competition ( in Singapore
    (right) and London (left).

    Fig. 3. The Prize gained by the YSU "Superconductivity and Scientific
    Instrumentation" Center at the 2009 years "Global Security Challenge"
    competition in Athens.

    b) The Center of "Algebraic and geometric studies for condensed
    matter physics" The UCEP project "Algebraic and geometric studies
    for condensed matter physics" has been devoted to the application of
    advanced mathematical tools to the condensed matter problems. Awarded
    REC team involved 4 senior and 4 young researchers and students.

    Fig. 4. Dr. Tigran Hakobyan (left) and Dr. Armen Nersisyan (left-back)
    with young researchers of "Algebraic and geometric studies for
    condensed matter physics" Research and Educational Center created in
    framework of UCEP.

    A computer cluster based on HP blade architecture with total capacity
    of 512 Gflops (billions floating point operations per second) has been
    purchased, installed, and prepared for numerical simulations in the
    frames of this award. In summary, 35 papers have been prepared. Among
    them 25 have been published in well known international referred
    journals. The students have been participated in a significant
    number of papers. The team members had, in summary, 22 talks at 9
    international conferences and 12 seminar talks abroad. Many papers
    have been prepared in collaborations with the scientists from the
    foreign institutions, such as JINR (Dubna), CBPF (Rio de Janeiro),
    INFN (Frascati, Italy), Hannover, Gettingen, Kaiserslautern, and
    Wuppertal Universities (Germany). There were 14 research visits abroad
    (4 by students) for establishing or continuing collaborations.

    c) The Center of "Quantum information technologies and new nonlinear
    materials" The main goal of this project was to organize the Center
    of quantum information technologies and new nonlinear materials at
    Yerevan State University. The REC team of 8 persons includes 5 young
    researchers and students.

    Fig. 5. Dr. Gagik Kryuchkyan (right) with young researchers of
    "Quantum information technologies and new nonlinear materials"
    Research and Educational Center created in framework of UCEP.

    By the financial support of the award it the Cluster (YSU-2) at 32
    nodes with Grid environment was created in the Physical Department of
    YSU, which was used for the computer modeling and high performance
    calculations on the problems of the project. The universal software
    package for parallel numerical simulation on the Cluster in areas of
    applied quantum information and laser physics has been elaborated. The
    other software package in the field of crystal growth is in the
    stage of development. The research results have been published in 22
    research articles mainly in high rated international referred journals,
    as well as 11 abstracts of the International Conferences.

    The International Workshop on "Modern Problems in Optics and Photonics"
    (August 27-September 2, 2009, Yerevan, Armenia) has been organized
    by members of the team. During the project period one of the young
    researchers' Ph.D. theses has been defended.