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BAKU: Azeri Leader Reiterates War With Armenia Not Over Yet

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  • BAKU: Azeri Leader Reiterates War With Armenia Not Over Yet


    Azartac news agency
    April 23 2010

    Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has said the war with Armenia over
    the Nagornyy Karabakh "is not over" and called to be ready to free
    the lands by force.

    "The war is not over. Only the first stage of the war is over. We
    have to act in a way so we can free our lands any time by force,"
    Aliyev said in a meeting attended by the country's top military
    officials on 23 April, state-owned news agency Azartac reported.

    Aliyev also reminded of domestic military industry: "Azerbaijan
    manufactures up-to-date technology. We have even greater plans for
    future. We want to produce military hardware and technology we need
    in Azerbaijan. Thus, we will decrease our dependence on import, even
    though we have no problems with the purchase of weapons and arms,
    this process is continuing and will continue".

    Aliyev threatened "to take appropriate measures" if the latest peace
    proposal fails: "We are positively viewing the negotiations process.

    We are waiting for a response from the Armenian side. If the
    latest proposals are accepted, then we can start working on a peace
    agreement. If the proposals are not accepted, then the negotiations
    have to be re-assessed and of course Azerbaijan will demonstrate
    appropriate position in accordance with the situation".

    Aliyev said the latest peace proposals by the international mediators
    created some hope and could lead to the signing of a peace agreement:
    "Some hopes emerged lately in the negotiations process. These hopes
    grow as time goes. Because some issues have already been agreed. These
    issues include those that previously were impossible to agree on.

    Madrid principles and revised proposals based on Madrid principles
    can create a base for the settlement of the conflict."

    The president went on to blame Armenia for "prolonging the
    negotiations process": "The Armenian side intends to extend the
    status-quo for maximum. They do not want to withdraw from the
    occupied territories. They want to continue the occupation. They
    attempt to demonstrate that they are allegedly committed to
    continue negotiations. All they want is to prolong the negotiations

    Aliyev warned that no regional projects could be realized without
    settling the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict: "Without settling the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan-Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, no other issue can be
    resolved in the region. Not because Azerbaijan will object to it - we
    defend our national interests with all means, will do so and we have
    succeeded in this, it's just because the Armenia-Azerbaijan-Nagornyy
    Karabakh conflict is the most serious negative factor affecting
    the regional processes. Without the settlement of this issue, no
    other regional initiatives can ever take place without Azerbaijan's
    involvement. This is the reality of the region."

    The president accused international organizations for "turning a
    blind eye to Armenia's impolite behaviour": Attempts of the Armenian
    side to prolong time is continuing. They still deceive international
    mediators. Unfortunately, some international organizations want to turn
    a blind eye to their impolite behaviour...This is very disturbing for
    us. Because international community should respect its own decisions".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress