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Foreign Minister Of Armenia: We Will Not Negotiate Just To Negotiate

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  • Foreign Minister Of Armenia: We Will Not Negotiate Just To Negotiate


    2010-04-27 11:58:00

    ArmInfo. The Armenian Foreign Ministry informed Turkey of freezing of
    the ratification procedure of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols by the
    Parliament, Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said in an interview
    with Real Politics program on the Armenian Public Television on
    Monday. The minister mentioned that this procedure is accepted in
    international practice and relevant written notification was sent
    to the Turkish party on the day following Armenian President Serzh
    Sargsyan's decree to suspend the ratification procedure.

    The minister said that the Armenian party has no intention to negotiate
    just to negotiate. "Armenia has launched the process, signed the
    Protocols and now we are expecting their ratification," Edward
    Nalbandian said. He said he sees no necessity for new negotiations
    with Turkey, though the Turkish party had already made such efforts
    before. Generally, the minister criticized Ankara's manner of
    negotiating i.e. agreeing and rejecting the achieved arrangements
    ever and again. The minister believes that such behavior cannot be
    unacceptable to Armenia and generally.

    Nevertheless, the minister said, the Armenian party has expressed
    readiness to move forward if there are colleagues in Turkey ready
    to continue the process without any conditions, normalize relations
    and implement the achieved agreements. "Whether it will be new or
    old colleagues remains for Turkey to decide," the minister said. He
    compared the recent period of time with a sandglass when both Armenia
    and the world community were losing hope and confidence in Turkey
    with every grain of sand. "If Turkey gives faithworthy words and
    makes responsible actions, we will make relevant steps in response,"
    Nalbandian said. Whereas possible conditions allegedly included in the
    Armenian-Turkish non-ratified protocols, the minister said that only
    some oppositionists in Armenia see such conditions. Even the Turkish
    opposition is discontented with the protocols saying that they contain
    no conditions to the Armenian party. Asked if the Armenian-Turkish
    process faced a deadlock, Edward Nalbandian said: "The process was in
    a deadlock, but it got out of it thanks to the initiative of Armenian
    President Serzh Sargsyan." "We have passed certain way to normalize
    the relations without any strings attached. Both Armenia and the world
    community believe that this is the only right way. And the right ways
    will never lead to a deadlock," E. Nalbandian said.