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Karabakh NGO Calls On Diaspora to Step-Up Efforts to Win Republic's

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  • Karabakh NGO Calls On Diaspora to Step-Up Efforts to Win Republic's

    Karabakh NGO Calls On Diaspora to Step-Up Efforts to Win Republic's Recognition

    Apr 27th, 2010

    The NKR Public Council for Foreign and Security Policy, an NGO
    operating in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, has called on Armenian
    Diaspora organizations to initiate what it considers to be a process
    for the international recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

    The letter is addressed to the traditional political parties and
    lobbying structures of the Armenian Diaspora.

    Masis Mayilian, the organization's president said that recent
    precedents in the Balkans and the Caucasus have "shown that such
    recognition can serve as a real mechanism to strengthen security in
    conflict areas and support stability at relatively little material

    Mayilian's sentiments were echoed by Gegham Bagdasaryan, a member
    of the organization who argued that "Our compatriots abroad have
    extensive experience, gained during decades fighting for recognition
    of the Armenian Genocide." The time has come, he added, to use that
    experience "to safeguard Armenian victories in Artsakh in the framework
    of international law."

    In the statement, the Public Council said it believes that the
    recognition of Karabakh's independence" even by provincial governments
    and local self-government entities" in the Diaspora would serve to
    "provide Artsakh with important moral and institutional support."

    We present the complete letter below:

    Since April 2009, when Armenian-Turkish dialogue gained greater public
    prominence, we have been faced with new challenges. The process of
    negotiations between Armenia and Turkey and the signing of the two
    well-known protocols have caused much debate among Armenians.

    Meantime, Turkey's efforts to link its ratification of protocols to
    Armenian territorial concessions in favor of Azerbaijan have added
    to tensions in the Caucasus region.

    With support of Diaspora Armenian organizations, Western parliaments
    have stepped up the process of recognition of the Armenian Genocide
    as a form of pressure on the Turkish leadership which is refusing to
    fulfill obligations it has assumed as part of the Armenian-Turkish
    reconciliation effort.

    In response to this pressure, Turkish leaders have declared about
    a danger of regional destabilization. Keeping in mind Azerbaijan's
    militaristic designs and the fact that Turkey remains Azerbaijan's
    closest ally, there is little doubt as to where such destabilization
    might occur.

    In this regard, there is a need to strengthen the Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic's security and thus rule out a danger of another Armenian
    Genocide, this time in Eastern Armenia.

    NKR Public Council for Foreign and Security Policy believes that
    together with recognition of Genocide, Diaspora Armenian organization
    should make the issue of international recognition of the Artsakh
    Republic a priority direction of their activities. We do not believe
    that promotion of "commitment to peaceful resolution of the conflict"
    is sufficient.

    Having gained substantial experience working with legislative bodies
    of various levels around the world, Diaspora organizations are capable
    of initiating the process of recognition of NKR by these entities.