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Obama Contributing To The Turkish Campaign, Perpetuating Turkey's Ma

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  • Obama Contributing To The Turkish Campaign, Perpetuating Turkey's Ma

    19:06 27/04/2010


    The Huffingtonm Post published "Anything but Genocide: Obama, Turkey,
    and the Armenian Holocaust" article by US bloger and publicist Michael
    J.W. Stickings.

    In his article the author makes critical reference to the US Barack
    Obama April 24 address. "I appreciate the fact that President Obama
    used the proper Armenian term, Meds Yeghern ("Great Catastrophe"),
    when referring on Saturday to the Armenian massacre at the hands of
    the Turks, which took place between 1915 and 1917, but it is telling
    that he refused to call it what it was: genocide," he says.

    Citing some parts from Obama address, Michael J.W. Stickings says:
    "Yes, it was "one of the worst atrocities" of the last century. Yes,
    an estimated 1.5 million Armenians were killed. Yes, it was "a
    devastating chapter in the history of the Armenian people." Yes,
    "we must keep its memory alive." But that's not good enough."

    Obama's use of Meds Yeghern "is an elegant dodge to avoid using the
    'g-word' -- but the substance of what he states about what happened
    gives no comfort to those who cling to the Turkish official version,"
    says Harvard University's Andras Riedlmayer. "1.5 million Armenians
    were rounded up and massacred or marched to their death. Despite the
    passive construction, that assumes intentionality," the author says.

    "Nevertheless, such nuance was not appreciated by the Armenian American
    lobby group, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), which
    rapped Obama for "disgraceful capitulation to Turkey's threats" and of
    "offering euphemisms and evasive terminology to characterize this crime
    against humanity," in a press release Saturday," Michael J.W. Stickings
    writes highlighting that he has written about this issue a couple of
    times: "I was critical of Bush, but I've been critical of Obama, too."

    The writer expresses his discontent over the US President-in -Office
    this way:

    "I wouldn't describe Obama and those in his administration as
    deniers, but they're certainly doing much the same thing the previous
    administration did, namely, refusing to acknowledge publicly that
    what happened in Armenia was genocide, and all because of those
    ever-so-delicate, ever-so-important American-Turkish relations,
    which apparently couldn't survive an admission of truth.

    For its part, Turkey has been waging a decades-long campaign to deny
    the genocide, a shameful refusal not just to take responsibility for
    one of the most horrendous massacres in history but even to admit
    that it really happened. And its reaction when challenged, this time
    as always, suggests a level of collective national immaturity that
    is truly appalling.

    In other words, while I suspect that Obama knows full well that it
    was genocide, and that the Turks are, on this issue, a nation of
    collective revisionists (and liars), he is effectively contributing
    to the Turkish campaign, perpetuating Turkey's massive lie, taking
    Turkey's side against efforts in Congress to call it genocide, and
    all because he wants to avoid annoying the Turks and risking... what?

    Yes, what exactly? Is he afraid that Ankara won't return his phone
    calls? Is Turkey such an essential ally that it must be appeased no
    matter what? Would Turkey really refuse to do business with the U.S.

    and/or support U.S. foreign policy if Obama actually took a firm stand
    and called it genocide? Sure, the Turks would whine and complain and
    threaten to sever diplomatic ties, as they've done before (even over
    non-binding committee resolutions in the House of Representatives),
    but so what? Does anyone honestly think Turkey can do without America?


    Honestly, I wish the president would pull a Jon Stewart and tell the
    Turks to go ..., well, you know.

    Diplomatically, of course."