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'Armenian Exile' And 'My Son Shall Be Armenian' Author Discusses His

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  • 'Armenian Exile' And 'My Son Shall Be Armenian' Author Discusses His


    Apr 27th, 2010

    KCET Airs Both Films on April 24

    LOS ANGELES-KCET public media for Southern and Central California,
    presented a special live night of programming featuring back-to-back
    documentaries by filmmaker Hagop Goudsouzian in observance of
    Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day on Saturday, April 24. Goudsouzian,
    a Canadian filmmaker, and Larry Zarian, Vice Chair of the California
    State Transportation Commission and former mayor of Glendale, hosted
    the evening, which begain with "Armenian Exile" at 7 p.m., followed by
    "My Son Shall Be" Armenian at 8:30 p.m.

    In Armenian Exile, Goudsouzian paints a self-portrait in which he
    pursues a greater understanding of his cultural roots.

    In 1988, Nagorno-Karabakh's war for independence was in the headlines
    worldwide. Halfway across the world in Canada, Goudsouzian's peaceful
    world was suddenly shaken: "I had forgotten I was Armenian, until
    I saw the courage of these people who had never forgotten who they
    were and knew what they had to do."

    Then, again in 1991, the independence of Armenia triggered a new
    beginning for Goudsouzian. At this point, he embarked on what he
    considers his most important adventure - to touch this mythical land
    in search of his roots.

    In "Armenian Exile," Goudsouzian travels to Armenia for the first
    time, in search of the ultimate connection with his forgotten and
    sometimes ignored identity. Seeking clarity of both history and self,
    Goudsouzian's reflection on Armenian identity is also at the heart
    of his next installment, "My Son Shall Be Armenian."

    "My Son Shall Be Armenian" follows Goudsouzian and five Montreal
    men and women of Armenian descent to Armenia in search of survivors
    of the 1915 Armenian Genocide. Through interviews with elders and
    the touching accounts of his fellow travelers, Goudsouzian crafts a
    dignified and poignant film on the need to make peace with the past
    in order to turn toward the future. This documentary is broadcast in
    French with English subtitles.

    Encore broadcasts of Armenian Exile and My Son Shall Be Armenian
    aired on Sunday, April 25 at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m., respectively.

    Asbarez reporter Georges Adourian interviewed Goudsouzian via email
    prior to the KCET special, the complete transcription of which is
    presented below.

    Georges Adourian: On April 24, KCET will broadcast your latest two
    films, tell us about it.

    Hagop Goudsouzian: Just before finishing "Armenian Exile," I called
    Mr. Bohdan Zachary at KCET in Los Angeles to see if he would be
    interested in my new film. Quite frankly I'll never forget the moment
    I introduced myself to Mr. Zachary. Surprisingly he was very happy
    to hear from me. He said "We aired 'My Son Shall be Armenian' just
    last night during our fund raising." You cannot imagine how happy
    that made me.

    KCET is one of the top PBS stations with the largest number of
    Armenian viewers, so it was a great honor for me when Mr. Bohdan
    Zachary expressed interest to view and later license "Armenian Exile."

    This is a unique experience for me. Not only are my two Armenian films
    being shown back to back on April 24, but they have also invited me
    from Toronto to participate on-air with the KCET fundraising.

    I have been very lucky. The French version of "My Son Shall Be
    Armenian" is regularly aired in Europe, even as we speak. And that's
    some four years after its release.

    As an independent filmmaker, it is very difficult to find television
    stations that can pay a licensing fee and have an interest in Armenian
    programming. Licensing fees and DVD sales are important sources of
    income to help me produce more films.

    G.A: How long have you been making films?

    H.G.: I don't remember doing anything else! My dad was a filmmaker,
    so I grew up in a film environment. I remember as a child, while other
    kids played with guns and whatever, I would play with strips of 35mm
    film my dad brought home. At the time, with a friend, we tinkered with
    a flashlight, a strip of 35mm film, a shoebox with a rectangular hole
    and transformed it into a projector. It was way before PlayStation.

    When I was about five or six-I cannot remember-I started acting in
    my dad's films and commercials, I did a Coca-Cola commercial that
    was shown in Cairo theatres, this is before television in Egypt.

    So I really don't know anything else. If ever I got tired of making
    movies I'd be lost, I wouldn't know what to do.

    G.A.: Why did you decide to make Armenian films?

    H.G.: It is kind of a tough question to answer because I didn't
    really have a choice. I was driven. I had to do it at any cost. It
    was something pushing me to a world I never knew, yet I felt at peace
    because the subjects that were ahead of me were touching my soul. It
    was not an intellectual process rather a gut reaction.

    You know, a few months before my father died, we went to see an
    Armenian movie. No. I am not going to say which one, but we agreed
    on one thing. Armenian movies can be much much better than that. So
    we set out to do our own films. But unfortunately he died before we
    could make our dream come true and it took me half a life time to
    come back to the dream I had forgotten and ignored.

    It was not just the dream that had dissipated but as well the whole
    Armenian baggage (the French meaning).

    It took a war for me to wake up. The Karabakh war.

    G.A.: What is the recurring theme that surfaces in your two films?

    H.G.: I am not really sure if it was intentional. I think in the true
    sense of a documentary a recurring theme has unfolded in my two films
    and I see it more and more clearly as time goes by.

    I see the recurring theme as memory. I believe the key to understanding
    oneself is memory, and being in touch with our memory.

    In myself I see that I am touched by the memory transmitted by my
    family, my culture and my personal memory. Whenever I have ignored
    one of these key components I have been out of balance. To keep
    this balance is a constant struggle not only as an Armenian but as
    a human being.

    But memory is such an abstract topic and film is a very visual medium.

    How do you make a film about memory?

    G.A.: It seems you are obsessed with the question of Armenian

    H.G.: No, not about Armenian identity, I am obsessed with the question
    of identity! I am interested in the quest of Armenian identity because
    I am Armenian. But the quest for identity is a universal theme, I
    know more about Armenian Identity than say Greek identity. I can only
    explore subjects that speak to me. But as a filmmaker if my quest
    reflects only the Armenian identity, it would not interest anyone
    else. I have to approach it as a human being not just as an Armenian,
    and hope the viewer relates to it.

    G.A.: What were the challenges you faced in making "Armenian Exile"?

    H.G.: By the time I got around to making "Armenian Exile," I had
    produced and directed some 250 programs for public television
    in Canada. On most TV programming the producer and director's
    responsibility is the picture on the screen and its content, while
    the Director of Photography, sound recordists, editors, assistants
    deal with the specifics. For example, in the editing room, I would
    be with an editor and say "move that scene a bit to the right or to
    the left" or "That's too blue."

    When I was ready to edit "Armenian Exile," I had a computer in front
    of me with all the necessary software but had no idea how to use
    it. I just did not know how to cut or make a dissolve. I had to learn
    everything from scratch, I knew what had to be done but I just did
    not know how the process was done physically. So after a while I got
    the hang of it, watching tutorials, asking lot of questions, now I
    am an expert! George, do you have any questions about editing? (joking)

    But this was just the beginning. Once I had more or less finished,
    I realized I needed music. This was another challenge. I went and
    bought all kinds of sounds and had to learn how to use it. My son
    helped me, Arudz is very talented musically. I have a very special
    passion for Armenian Church music. I was an altar boy a long time
    ago. My greatest love is "Der Voghormia." I can listen to a good
    version of it day and night. We found some very old versions of "Der
    Voghormia" and Arudz played it on his keyboard and I ended up with
    these musical files and played with them for weeks...

    The next one will be easier.... maybe I'll make a film with just Der
    Voghormia music with various arrangements, I am serious.

    G.A: Do you plan to make more films with Armenian themes?

    H.G.: If I were a logical person, with a good business savvy, the
    answer would be NO. But since I am not a very good businessman,
    unquestionably I will do more.

    For me filmmaking is ultimately a gut reaction. It must come from your
    soul and, even if people throw tomatoes at you, you must do what you
    believe in because that is the most powerful thing you have and can
    express... What you have in your soul that is what is unique.

    "Armenian Exile" and "My Son Shall Be Armenian" are the first two
    parts of my Armenian Trilogy. I am planning another shoot this summer
    and hopefully by next year we will have part three. But, I have a
    feeling I won't stop at three parts, as each film leads me to the next.

    G.A.: What is your cinematic approach?

    H.G.: Funny you should ask that. Both films have lived a similar
    experience. But, I will tell you what happened with "My Son Shall Be
    Armenian" and I was lucky in a way that it happened this way...

    NFB of Canada had approved my project based on my submission and
    released the funds accordingly. I had a wonderful plan, it was a
    fantastic plan. Two days before we were to leave and shoot in Syria,
    our permits were revoked. Here we are on Tuesday 10 a.m. and no more
    film. I was told if I had another idea they were ready to look at it.

    If I failed at this point, there were many other directors that would
    have been very happy to access these same funds. On midday on Tuesday
    I said to my executive producer, "Don't worry I'll have another project
    for you by tomorrow noon." I was terrified. I had no idea what I could
    come up with. I left the office and went home. I started looking at
    the research I had done for the past six years and through the night
    I came up with a new idea to be shot entirely in Armenia.

    The next day, I went in with a big smile and presented my idea.

    Luckily they liked it. We fine tuned it and presented it to the
    chairman; on Thursday it was approved and we had our go ahead to
    shoot in Armenia. I must admit they were very, very positive about
    the idea of doing a film on the Armenian Genocide.

    The fact is the project was approved but I had no specific plan,
    like I had before. I had a feeling of what I wanted to do and I was
    taking 10 other people along with me to explore this possibility.

    I said all this to illustrate that, that's how I do it! You can start
    with the best plan in the world but when you are on the field you
    have to let the story unfold and see where it takes you.

    When you are in Armenia, stories unfold as the day progresses. It is
    the perfect place to film. It has everything.

    G.A.: But how do you approach your films as an Armenian or as a

    H.G.: How do I approach a film as an Armenian or as a filmmaker?

    That's really a tough question... Hmmm... Against my better judgment

    Probably passion, I have to be drawn to what I do, I have to have an
    affinity for the subject, and feel the subject, again have a passion
    for the subject. Otherwise it would not be my film. We use the term
    "film d'auteur" I am signing my work, with that, I hope my work
    is unique.

    I guess it is the filmmaker that is speaking. But what interests me
    these days is the soul of Armenians, yet I speak it with my voice
    and not necessarily clinging to a previous concept. I am not the
    voice of Armenians. I have my voice. I do not expect the viewer to
    agree or disagree. This is my film and I share it with the viewer,
    I hope this moment we share helps us understand something.

    G.A.: Will you do more films on the Genocide?

    H.G.: This is a very touchy subject for me. I don't really know if
    I want to answer it.

    G.A.: With your experience, I am sure you can say something...

    H.G.: I have proposals ready for more films with the Armenian Genocide
    as the principal theme with new twists and turns but they are gathering
    dust. Who is going to pay for it? George, do you know anybody? (Joke)

    In my experience I see the community divided into three parts, the
    older generation wants to see films with facts and figures and prove
    the Genocide.

    Then there are the potential sponsors, I have not had many positive
    experiences with them. Even when the project is about the Armenian
    Genocide, even with my experience as a filmmaker.

    But the most interesting group is the new generation-the up and
    coming. They want to see more films about Armenians, Armenian life and
    in particular the Genocide... But not films about lament or suffering
    but films with a new storyline and an interesting and captivating
    approach but alas they don't have the money yet to sponsor these films.

    In the Western world an Armenian artist can not live on patriotism. It
    does not pay the rent! We need sponsors, and that's not just me. There
    are many brilliant artists, and trust me, $500 does not help make
    a film... It hardly pays to rent a camera and a few lights for a
    day. Of course that means the artist does not get paid or eat.

    If we want to make interesting films on the Armenian Genocide,
    it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. If we want it to make a
    mark, a Genocide documentary has to be universally captivating, and,
    above all, it must start with the premise that the Genocide is an
    irrefutable fact.

    At this point I am no longer looking for Armenian sponsors to produce
    more films. It is just not cost effective. If you spend a week of phone
    calls and end up with $500, it's not worth it. I am not being arrogant
    or ungrateful. Any accountant will tell you, it just does not add up.

    I hope more community stations will license my new film for a fee
    and buy my DVDs from my web site,