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U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations recommends $40 mil aid to RO

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  • U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations recommends $40 mil aid to RO

    U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations recommends $40 million in
    assistance for Armenia

    July 30, 2010 - 20:30 AMT 15:30 GMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    Yesterday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations approved the
    Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 State, Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill.
    The Committee recommended $40 million in assistance for Armenia, which
    is $1 million below last year's level of $41 million, and equal to the
    Administration's request of $40 million, Armenian Assembly of America
    (AAA) reported.

    "In light of Turkey's ongoing blockade of Armenia, and its refusal to
    normalize relations without preconditions, the importance of U.S.
    assistance to Armenia cannot be understated," said Congressional
    Relations Associate Bianka Kadian-Dodov.

    The Senate Committee action comes after the House Appropriations
    Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
    adopted its version of the bill last month, which included $44 million
    for Armenia and $10 million in assistance to Nagorno Karabakh.

    "The Assembly will continue to work with both the Senate and House to
    ensure the best possible outcome for Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh,"
    said Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny.

    The Senate Bill also called for "confidence-building measures and
    other activities in furtherance of the peaceful resolution of
    conflicts" for the "Southern Caucasus region." In addition, the Bill
    provided $25.5 million "to support people to people reconciliation
    programs, which bring together individuals of different ethnic,
    religious and political backgrounds from areas of civil strife and

    The Committee also required a report regarding Section 907 of the
    Freedom Support Act directing the "Secretary of State to submit a
    report not later than 90 days after enactment of this act, analyzing
    the effectiveness of the restrictions on assistance for the Government
    of Azerbaijan as contained in section 907 of Public Law 102-511, and
    the exceptions to such restrictions on assistance provided under this
    heading, in furthering a resolution to the conflict between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan. Such report shall also include specific
    recommendations for increasing opportunities for reconciliation
    between parties."

    Funding for Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and International
    Military Education Training (IMET) were not delineated for Armenia and
    Azerbaijan. Given Azerbaijan's escalating military expenditures and
    its continued war mongering, the Assembly in its congressional
    testimony, "urged" appropriators "to cease military assistance to
    Azerbaijan." The Committee's report also expressed concerns "with
    repression of independent journalists in Azerbaijan" and directed the
    Secretary of State to "seek improvements in freedom of expression in
    connection with assistance for the central Government of Azerbaijan."

    Further action on the Senate and House bills will continue in
    September when Members of Congress return from the August recess.

    From: A. Papazian