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Ropeway leading to medieval Armenian monastery of Tatev about $13 mi

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  • Ropeway leading to medieval Armenian monastery of Tatev about $13 mi

    Ropeway leading to medieval Armenian monastery of Tatev estimated at a
    total of 13 mln USD

    2010-07-30 19:39:00

    ArmInfo. The total value of ropeway leading to the medieval Armenian
    monastery of Tatev will make up about 13 mln USD, Vanik Vardanyan,
    Head of the Tatev Revival Project of the National Competitiveness
    Foundation of Armenia, told journalists on Friday.

    According to him, the ropeway will be launched on October 16. "We have
    planned a festive ribbon-cutting ceremony for this date, and a great
    number of guests from abroad will attend it. By that date we'll also
    set ready the road leading the monastery from Yerevan-Meghri highway.
    Its total length is 26 km. Part of the road will be coated with
    asphalt, the rest will be subsurfaced. In the future we shall
    implement other projects under the Tatev Revival Project, which will
    include renovation of the monastery of Tatev and rehabilitation of the
    medieval university in its territory",- he said.

    To note, several days ago a vegetable oil press of XVII century was
    found in the territory of the monastery. "We are going to include it
    in the tourism products to be offered to Tatev visitors",- he said.

    To recall, the total value of the Tatev Revival Project is about 22-23
    mln USD. The main sponsor of the project is the Ruben & Veronika
    Vardanyans Friends' Fund.

    From: A. Papazian