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Fake mathematics is Ecology Ministry's response to Argichi WPP scand

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  • Fake mathematics is Ecology Ministry's response to Argichi WPP scand

    Fake mathematics is Ecology Ministry's response to Argichi WPP scandal

    2010-07-30 18:22:00

    ArmInfo. In order to justify its plans to change the Argichi river
    bed, Armenia's Ecology Ministry has understated the area of the
    irrigated lands of five communities of Gegharkunik region, resident of
    one of the communities, member of the action group against the Argichi
    project Paytsar Aghababyan said during a press-conference today.

    "The Ministry's special committee says that the area is 2,714 h while,
    according to the Aarhus Center, it is 6,850 h. By means of this fake
    mathematics the Ministry seeks to justify the project. They are also
    trying to convince us that they are not building a water power plant
    on Argichi but are just doing some repair work to supply the village
    of Akhnjadzor with irrigation water. But what we see in reality is not
    230 mm but 530 mm pipes laid on the site - a diameter typical of WPP,"
    Aghababyan said.

    She pointed to one more interesting circumstance: "As if by magic, the
    area of Akhnjadzor in their documents has grown by 200 h. At first,
    they mentioned 71 h, now, 271 h."

    "The Ministry's committee investigating the Argichi case comprises no
    single resident from the above-mentioned communities. They are trying
    to convince us that the committee is inspecting the site but we have
    people there who oversee the situation round-the-clock and they say
    that they have not seen any single commissioner on the site so far,"
    Aghababyan said.

    Argichi is the biggest river flowing into Lake Sevan. If it is
    diverted, almost 30,000 people living in Gehovit, Madina, Vaghashen,
    Nerkin Getashen and Verin Getashen rural communities will be left
    without irrigation water. There is one more interesting fact: this
    project can curb the rise of Sevan's level, which will be good for
    those owning elite property on the shore.

    From: A. Papazian