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Nkr: Cold Shower For A "Dead" Season

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  • Nkr: Cold Shower For A "Dead" Season

    Leonid Martirosyan

    Azat Artsakh Daily,
    22 July 2010
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    On July 16-17, an informal summit of the OSCE member states' Foreign
    Ministers took place in Almaty, within which a meeting of the Foreign
    Ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing
    states was also held. No intensification of the negotiation process on
    Nagorno Karabakh is likely to be expected in the nearest two months, as
    a "dead" political season related to the traditional summer vacations
    will start very soon. What a baggage will the settlement participants
    take with them and what impulses have Armenia and Azerbaijan got from
    the international mediators for the further search of ways for the
    issue's resolution? The summit in Almaty gives partial answers to these
    questions. We can state at once that the summit events on the Karabakh
    settlement became a peculiar cold shower for Azerbaijan. Let's give
    some clarifications. The informal forum of the OSCE member-states'
    Foreign Ministers in Kazakhstan followed quite an active propaganda
    campaign by the Azerbaijan party, which used the favourite instrument
    of Azerbaijan's foreign policy - lie and blackmail. President Aliyev
    and Foreign Minister Mamedyarov declared their determination to resolve
    the conflict in a military way, they stated that the issue of returning
    the Karvachar and Kashatagh regions would be allegedly discussed in
    Almaty, and the return of the rest five regions had been allegedly
    resolved and was out of any discussion. To fairly note, Armenia's
    Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian gave a corresponding rebuff to his
    Azerbaijani colleague, calling his words on the territories' return an
    absolute lie. But, the lie's disclosure hasn't properly impacted the
    Azerbaijanis. Another matter is the statement of the Foreign Ministers
    of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing states - Russia, France, and the
    USA, which actually recommended Baku to refuse of its illusions,
    which, surely, couldn't but cause a negative reaction. Within
    the ministerial meeting, the delegations' heads - Russian Foreign
    Minister Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of France Bernard Kushner,
    and Deputy US Secretary of State James Steinberg issued a joint
    statement, the provisions of which had actually to cool the heat of
    the Azerbaijan party. And though due to the traditions of the western
    diplomats dealing with the conflict settlement process, no specific
    names were noted, the addressee of the sounded warnings was obvious,
    as the competent political and expert circles, as well as others are
    exactly aware of those who rattle the saber and falsify the essence of
    the Nagorno Karabakh conflict as a whole and the negotiation process
    in particular. First of all, the statement's authors reminded once
    again the three major principles, on which the conflict resolution
    should be based - the nonuse of force or of threat of force, the
    right to self-determination, and the territorial integrity. Which is
    more important, they emphasized the inadmissibility of hierarchy of
    the noted principles of the Helsinki Final Act, i.e. domination of
    one principle over another, which is obviously done by Azerbaijan,
    constantly underlining the primacy of the principle of territorial
    integrity over the right to self-determination. So was on July 6,
    at the presentation of the so-called "Central Headquarters" of the
    so-called Azerbaijani community of Nagorno Karabakh. Speaking of the
    Helsinki principles, Ilham Aliyev stated without a moment's hesitation,
    "The basic principle here is the territorial integrity.

    There is also a principle of nations' self-determination. But, this
    principle should not harm the territorial integrity of nations or
    contradict it". This is the legal incompetence of the Moscow State
    Institute of International Relations' graduate, his legal selectivity,
    and to be more exact, legal ilHAMNESS (RUDENESS). Actually,
    the Azerbaijani President was taught a lesson of elementary legal
    literacy in Almaty. But, it is a great question whether the lesson
    will be of any use, as the Azerbaijani leader is also famous for his
    legal nihilism. And the most important. In the former capital city
    of Kazakhstan, the inadmissibility of any force actions or inciting
    statements, which could destabilize the situation in the region,
    was clearly noted. The addressee of this message is also obvious. In
    other words, Azerbaijan was notified that it wouldn't be allowed to
    aggravate the situation, and it was called upon to take corresponding
    measures for maintaining the cease-fire regime. The Foreign Ministers
    of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing states finished the summit in
    Almaty with similar advices to the conflicting parties, actually,
    having outlined the political-legal field, in which the settlement
    process participants can "break a lance". The struggle's means are
    also determined - they are diplomatic, excluding any war rhetoric,
    and all the more - military activities. We'll see in the nearest time
    what the Azerbaijanis' response will be, whether they will consider the
    mediators' recommendations or still wider - listen to reason. Though,
    judging by the recent publications in the Azerbaijani press, anything
    will hardly change in the position of official Baku. The latter is
    rather a diagnosis.

    From: A. Papazian