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TEHRAN: Artists Invited To Help Establish Museum For Grigorian's Art

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  • TEHRAN: Artists Invited To Help Establish Museum For Grigorian's Art


    Mehr News Agency (MNA)
    July 28, 2010 Wednesday

    TEHRAN, July 28 (MNA) -- Painter Janet Lazarian has made a heartfelt
    appeal for the establishment of a museum to permanently house artworks
    by deceased Iranian-Armenian artist Marcos Grigorian.

    Grigorian (1925-2007), who is recognized as the pioneer of Iranian
    modern art, died from a heart attack at his home in Armenia in 2007.

    His works are currently being kept at the Museum of Literature which
    is now part of the Middle East Museum in Yerevan.

    "Grigorian took his collection of artworks to Armenia almost 20 years
    ago and displayed them at the Museum of Literature," Lazarian told
    the Persian service of ISNA on Wednesday.

    This was supposed to be a temporary show as he was not planning to
    store his collection there forever but he died before he was able
    to remove it, she said, adding, "The museum is a place for books and
    the location where Grigorian's works are on display is too small."

    This is while it was previously reported in the news that Grigorian had
    donated 5000 of his artistic creations to the government of Armenia.

    She continued, "At first, Marcos was determined to convert the second
    floor of his home in Yerevan into a museum and transfer the items
    there, but he died before he was able to realize his wishes.

    "Two years ago, Armenian Ministry of Culture asked for permission
    from the heirs to convert Marcos' house into a museum and transfer
    his collection there, but it would seem the request was rejected.

    "The heirs did not give the government permission since they felt the
    house is not in a desirable location. They claimed that they plan to
    sell the house and would purchase another located in the center of
    the city specifically for Marcos' artwork," she added.

    The heirs (niece and nephew of Marcos) reside in the United States
    and are due to travel to Armenia to sell the house.

    In Armenia, the houses of artists and authors are converted into
    museums after their deaths, and in Yerevan alone, there are 35 museums
    of Armenian scholars, she noted.

    Tehran's Art Center will be playing host to a commemoration ceremony
    for Marcos this year in autumn.

    Grigorian's artworks encompass a wide range of themes. His first
    paintings depict the violent despair of the victims of Auschwitz.

    Later, turning to sculpture, his works were dominated by such themes
    as Persian bread, abgusht (a type of Persian soup) and wheelbarrows
    full of straw.

    He is also renowned for sculptures that he crafted from a combination
    of clay and straw. Grigorian was also fond of teahouse paintings.

    Some of his works are now on display at the Museum of Modern Art
    in New York, Tehran's Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Museum of
    Contemporary Art in Kerman.

    From: A. Papazian