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Has The World Learnt Nothing From The 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi?

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  • Has The World Learnt Nothing From The 1994 Genocide Against Tutsi?

    Frank Gashugi

    The New Times (Kigali)
    July 28, 2010 Wednesday

    The slogan "never again" was popularized after the full extent of
    the Nazi Genocide during World War II became known to the world.

    Only a few years have passed, and it seems to be forgotten and the
    "never again" became "many times more"; in Armenia (1915), East Timor
    (between 1975 and 1999), Cambodia (between 1975 and 1979) Bosnia
    Herzegovina (1990s), and in Rwanda, more than one million Tutsis were
    massacred by extremist Hutus during 1994, while the world stood by.

    Today, the effects of the 1994 Genocide are still felt in many
    different ways, both inside the country and in neighboring states,
    including in the Eastern DRC, where the ex-FAR Interahamwe continue
    to commit serious human rights violations, including abductions,
    killings and rape.

    Indeed the various past genocides, and specifically the recent 1994
    genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, seem to have left no lessons.

    There are scores of media houses and other self-styled politicians
    who continue to sympathize with the Rwandan genocidaires, still at
    large both in the DRC and Western capitals.

    I am really irked by media houses that continue to give platform to
    these genocidaires and their sympathizers, to spread their genocidal
    propaganda. On 20thJuly 2010, gave Ingabire
    Victoire a space to publish her malicious article in which she
    undermined the hard-earned unity and reconciliation and development
    in Rwanda.

    In the article, Ingabire Victoire alleges that Rwandans are living
    in fear of the dictatorial government and that the government is
    intolerant with the opposition allegedly because President Kagame
    wants to cling on power.

    She goes ahead to attack the National Electoral Commission alleging
    that it is partial. She maliciously undermines the level of unity
    and reconciliation attained by Rwandans.

    No one should be surprised by Ingabire Victoire's allegations because
    her political agenda has always been to destroy the unity of Rwandans
    and has time and again been negating Tutsi genocide.

    >>From the beginning of her political career, she has always negated
    the 1994 genocide against Tutsi, misleading the world that there was
    double genocide. Her interview at Gisozi genocide memorial site where
    more than 250.000 genocide victims are buried is one example to show
    how Ingabire is a genocide negationist.

    In the interview, Ingabire said; "If you look at this memorial centre,
    it only shows one side of the Genocide committed against the Tutsi,
    there is another side of the Genocide committed against the Hutu".

    Invoking double genocide was indeed a mockery to those who died in
    the Genocide, and reflected a deep sense of revisionism and negation
    of the genocide against Tutsi.

    According to reliable sources, Ingabire collaborates closely with
    genocidaires, one of them, her close aide Joseph Ntawangundi, was
    arrested and confessed to have killed Tutsi in Rukira Sector.

    The 2009 UN Group of experts on Congo implicated Ingabire as one
    of the funders of the genocidal FDLR militia group still roaming
    in the DRC jungles. Ingabire has also been implicated in the acts
    inciting violence and creating terrorists groups aimed at causing
    state insecurity.

    As a matter of fact, two suspects, Lt. Col Tharcisse Nditurende and
    Lt. Col Noel Habiyambere, recently arrested in Burundi, admitted
    having worked with Ingabire and Paul Rusesabagina to form a rebel
    group (CDF) to launch offensives in the country. Lt. Col Tharcisse
    Nditurende in particular admitted having travelled to Kinshasa from
    Goma in September 2008 to meet Ingabire and again met her in Congo
    Brazzaville to carry on with the plans to start the armed group.

    Should the Rwandans allow a person with criminal charges still under
    investigations to stand for the highest office in the land?

    In the article Ingabire tries to sanitize her image misleading the
    world that her cases are politically motivated and government's
    intentions to delay the registration of her party. Is she a genuine
    politician? Why is she pushing for the registration of her party
    before clearing her name in court?

    Ingabire further tries to portray her party as a victim of what
    she calls dictatorial regime, claiming that her supporters were
    arrested and tortured while trying to stage manifestations. Were the
    manifestations legal? Firstly, FDU - Inkingi is not registered and
    therefore remains an informal group working and serving the interests
    of negative forces against Rwanda.

    Thus any manifestations by the members of this informal group are
    prohibited under the Rwandan laws. Secondly, the manifestations were
    aimed at orchestrating violence ahead of the elections.

    Ingabire continues to mislead the world by distorting facts on the
    ground so as to attract sympathy. It is very absurd for Ingabire to
    claim that the people of Rwanda are living in fear and anxiety yet
    the "2009 Global Peace Index" ranked Rwanda the second most peaceful
    country in the region behind Tanzania. Ingabire herself knows that
    she is sacrificing the truth for the sake of misleading some people in
    the western world who have little or distorted information on Rwanda.

    I wonder what is wrong with Ingabire, to have failed to see what
    others, including foreigners, have appreciated. Indeed President Kagame
    has received various awards recognizing his efforts in good governance
    and promotion of peace, among them include: International Medal of
    Peace by Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church (2009); Clinton Global
    Citizen Award for Leadership in Public Service by William Jefferson
    Clinton (2009); Innovation for Peace Award by the World Summit on
    Innovation and Enterprise (2008); African National Achievement Award
    by the Africa America Institute (2005); Global Leadership Award by
    the Young Presidents Organisation (2003); and many others.

    I was also surprised by Ingabire's remarks that the National Electoral
    Commission (NEC) is partial and that it will conduct sham elections.

    Should I take my time to educate Ingabire on the composition of NEC?

    Of course not because she deliberately evades the truth.

    But for the sake of educating the audience she intends to mislead,
    I will explain briefly on the composition and impartiality of the NEC.

    The electoral body is a representation of registered parties, civil
    society and special groups like women. As a matter of fact members
    of the commission are: KARANGWA Chrysologue (RPF), HARERIMANA Fatou
    (PDI); BURASANZWE Oswald (PL); UYISENGA Charles (PSD); MUSEFANO Juvens
    (Civil Society); DUSABE Goretti - (Women Council); and NYIRACUMI Anne
    Marie (PDC). Besides, all the parties will have observers at every
    level of the electoral process.

    How else does she want the electoral body to be impartial? Should
    Rwanda privatize the commission to foreigners? Calling the elections
    that are not yet conducted "sham" is aimed at pre-empting the election
    results even before the elections are held and this is only aimed at
    misleading the world.

    Maliciously, she accused the government of having a hand in the
    assassination of Andre Rwisereka Kagwa. Did Ingabire carry out
    investigations? Can she volunteer to provide information about the
    politician's killers?

    I think Police should use Ingabire as a prime witness since she
    appears to have facts about the real assassin.

    Why doesn't she want to wait for the investigation report? The answer
    is simple; she intends to pre-empt the investigations and as usual
    tarnish the image of the government of Rwanda.

    From: A. Papazian