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BAKU: "Azerbaijanis And Armenians In Korea Never Had Conflicts"

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  • BAKU: "Azerbaijanis And Armenians In Korea Never Had Conflicts"


    July 29 2010

    An interview with head of the Azerbaijan-Korea Student Organization
    "Buta" Eltay Aslanov.

    Can you, please, talk about your organization?

    On March 21, 2009, a group of Azerbaijani students in the South Korean
    capital Seoul, in conjunction with the Embassy of the Republic of
    Azerbaijan, held a constituent conference of the Azerbaijani-Korean
    student organization "Buta". The key goal of the organization is to
    bring together Azerbaijani students in South Korea, increase their
    patriotic spirit, as well as to raise awareness about Azerbaijani
    people, history, culture, socio-economic development in Korea. Not
    so long ago we also launched a website of our organization, which
    operates in Korean and Azerbaijani languages.

    Can you name the distinctive positive features of education system in
    South Korea? Which of them can be applied in Azerbaijan's education

    As in most developed countries in the world, lectures in Korean
    universities are accompanied by illustrative slides. Websites of the
    university professors offer access to lecture topics, lesson plans
    and exam questions. University has numerous libraries, special reading
    rooms, equipped with computers and student clubs.

    Along with local professors, lectures and seminars are conducted by
    their foreign counterparts as well. Various programs are implemented
    to put theoretical knowledge into practice. Scientific conferences,
    symposia and seminars are held regularly. Specific educational
    tours and exchange of views between students take place as part
    of cooperation between Korean universities as well as with foreign

    How many Azerbaijani students presently study in Korea?

    Number of Azerbaijani students in the South Korean universities is
    increasing every year. More than seventy students from Azerbaijan
    get education in this country today.

    Is there any Azerbaijani community in South Korea? Do they have a
    diaspora organization?

    Students make up majority of Azerbaijanis in South Korea. There is
    very small number of Azerbaijanis in this country except students. So,
    they are not united in any diaspora. However, in this context, I note
    our embassy in this country, which very actively works to promote
    Azerbaijan and to tell truth about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to
    Korean public, maintains constant contact with all the local Armenians
    and regularly marks all national and state holidays.

    And what is the attitude of locals to Azerbaijanis?

    Local people are very tolerant. Koreans have great respect for culture,
    religion and customs of other nations. There is very good attitude
    towards Azerbaijanis here. In response, we very diligently study the
    Korean language, local traditions and make every effort so that Korean
    people receive more information about Azerbaijan.

    Is there Armenian community in Korea? Do Azerbaijani and Armenian
    communities there experience contradictions?

    You can meet Armenians in South Korea very rarely. This applies both
    to students and to the representatives of various professions. So,
    they have no diaspora organization. Besides, we never had any conflict.

    From: A. Papazian